Train Wreck

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After hopping aboard the train bound for Argus the train begins to rumble. I hop to the roof and see Manticores flying all around. I turn into one and begin launching fireballs at them. As soon as I shoot one down I look forward and see a tunnel approaching. I return to normal and head inside the train. I head back to the others to see them talking to Dudley from the train station.

Qrow: "Those turrets need to be turned off!"

Dudley: "No way, they're keeping us alive!"

Qrow: "Us but not the passengers!"

Dudley: "You don't give orders, I do! I'm in charge!"

Ruby: "That's enough. Please, just turn the turrets off."

Dudley: "Fine."

Nora: "Ren, do you think you can use your semblance to mask the passengers? Maybe with them hidden and the turrets off, the Grimm will lose track of us."

Ren: "I'd need some help."

Jaune: "I can use my aura to amplify yours."

Qrow: "Sounds like a plan."

Ozpin: "That is a good plan, but there's one problem. The Grimm are attracted to the relic."

Qrow: "What?"

Yang: "Why would you keep that from us!?"

Ruby: "Now's not the time. We need to focus on saving the passengers. We need to get them to the front of the train so Ren can mask them from the Grimm. Once that's done, me and my team will cut the back cars with us on them leaving us to deal with the Grimm."

Jaune: "Promise you'll meet us in Argus?"

Ruby: "I promise."

JNR heads to the front of the train and masks the passengers. Meanwhile the others head to the back of the train to deal with the Manticores. While they do that I cut the train coupling then join the others. I turn into a Manticore again and launch fireballs. Suddenly a Sphinx lands on the train and roars at us. I launch fireballs at it while Yang wraps Blake's weapon ribbon around its waist. 

Weiss then freezes the Sphinx's wings which lets me destroy them with a single fireball. The killing blow comes from Ruby and Qrow who use their scythes to cut the Sphinx in half. Before it dies it launches a final fireball that destroys the tracks in front of us making us derail. I regain consciousness just in time to see the others arguing.

Ozpin: "Do you think Lionheart didn't say that!? Those exact same words? My actions are made by experience. I'm not saying that I have reason to believe you will betray me. I'm saying that I have reasons for what I do, the secrets keep, the very reason I... where's the relic?"

Ruby walks forward and holds it out.

Ozpin: "Please, give it to me."

Ruby: "Why? You said it was useless. Why do you need to be the one to hold it?"

Ozpin: "Because I feel as though it is my burden to bear. So please..."

He goes to reach out when he freezes.

Oscar: "He's trying to stop you."

Yang: "Stop her from what?"

Oscar: "From finding out the truth."

Oscar drops to the ground and holds out his hand.

Oscar: "Her name is Jinn, say her name to summon her."

Ruby: "Jinn."

The snow freezes in place and who I guess is Jinn appears.

Jinn: "What knowledge do you seek?"

Ruby: "What is Ozpin hiding from us?"

The world goes white and we are told Ozpin's past. Basically he loved Salem and sought Jinn's help on how to beat Salem. But all she said was she can't be destroyed. When the world returns to normal we all go to confront Ozpin. Except I freeze dead in my tracks. I loudly exhale as my heart feels like it's aching.

I fall to my knees and grab the sides of my head as I hear the woman's scream again and feel this crippling sadness consume me while tears fall down my cheek. 

3rd POV

Ruby looks behind her and sees Y/N on the ground holding his head. Worried she walks to him and places her hand on his shoulder.

Ruby: "Y/N? Are you okay?'

Y/N looks at Ruby and the moment they lock eyes Y/N screams, swats her hand away and crawls backwards.

Y/N: "Get away from me!!!"

Ruby holds her swatted hand and walks to her severely distressed friend. However with every step she takes forward Y/N scoots back one. Y/N eventually curls himself into a ball, rocks himself and repeats the same thing over and over.

Y/N: "Close your heart, let no one in."

Ruby looks at Jinn who is staring at Y/N intently.

Ruby: "Jinn, what's happening to Y/N?"

Jinn: "Seeing the past seems to have triggered something in him. He is remembering something he doesn't want to."

Ruby looks from Jinn to Y/N who is still rocking himself and repeating his mantra slightly faster.

Ruby: "Jinn, what doesn't Y/N want to remember?"

Jinn closes her eyes as the world goes white and begins showing Y/N's memories. 

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