The Owl House au-Logince

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TW: Background Moxiety

A/N: This is a oneshot reposted from my logince oneshots book, I wanted to post it here to tell you all that most of my logince content will be there instead of here for the most part. Please comment if you want some of the logince content to stay on here bc They're my favorite ship

Logan walked down the halls  of Hexside academy, trying to ignore all the chatter about the Grudgby game this weekend. He rolled his eyes, as he caught a glimpse of the current team captain, Roman. Roman was about as popular as Logan was, but both of them for completely different reasons. Logan was popular because of his talent in magic, the fact that the emperor's coven was impressed with him, he was easily the smartest student in the school. Roman on the other hand was popular because he was the captain of Grudgy team, and just a very charming and Logan had to admit, attractive witch.

Roman was being surrounded by other students, all of them asking him questions about the game. Logan sighed "I still don't comprehend why you all care about some illogical sport, when soon we'll be able to join our covens!" Roman chuckled and he looked at Logan suddenly "So I'm guessing you won't be at tomorrow's game, huh Blight?"

Logan shrugged "I might show up to support Hexside but I probably won't be attending, I want to spend my weekend training." Roman replied with "Why do you care about the emperor's coven noticing you so much? I mean, personally I think they shouldn't even make us join a coven." He admitted.

Logan's eyes widened "Roman!" He squeaked, and Roman put his hands up "what?! I just said that I think they shouldn't make us join a coven if we don't want to!" He laughed and ruffled Logan's hair,"well it's a shame you won't be there Blight, kinda wanted to see you there. " A pink shade of blush appeared on Logan's face," I-well I'll uh see if I can find time to make it.. " He stuttered, blushing lightly.

Logan cleared his throat,"now I must get going, I have to get to my next class... " He mumbled and walked off with a sigh. These feelings he was getting, he hated them, he absolutely hated them, especially for Roman of all people, why would he like him. He was illogical, and idiotic, yet he was also charming and adorable.  Logan ran his fingers through his hair with annoyance.

             The next day: the day of the game

Logan sat at his windowsill, staring out at the blazing sun that lit up all of the boiling isles. He lit a light glyph, he had been training all day. "I suppose a few hours at one grudgby game won't be too bad." He said to himself. He decided he would show up to the game to support Roman. He walked out of his room and out of his house. He twirled his hands in a circle to conjure an abomination to ride on his way to the game.

Once he arrived at the field he glanced around, desperately attempting to find an open seat that he could sit down in. The cool autumn breeze gently brushed his chestnut hair out of his glasses as he kept looking around. Suddenly he heard an excited squeal "Logan!! Its me Patton!! Wanna sit with me!" Logan exhaled a breath and shrugged," I suppose... " He replied heading over to where Patton wad sitting. The cheerful witch giggled softly "its been a while since we hung out!" Logan nodded in reply "yes, I have been busy with a lot of stuff, my apologies."

Patton's eyes sparkled "Oh! Oh! You haven't met my boyfriend!" He gestered to the shorter boy sitting next to him, he had extremely pale skin, almond eyes, and charcoal hair with purple on the edge. He looked up at Logan "uh....sup im Virgil-" He leaned back in his seat next to Patton with a small yawn.

Patton frowned "Vee Vee, did you sleep last night?"

Logan did not hear Virgil's reply to Patton's question, since when Patton had asked that the nerdy witch had gotten a bit Roman. Logan admired how he played, sure he hated sports personally, and thought they were illogical, makes sense why Roman played them to him but- Roman's magical ability was admirable. And Plus, Logan couldn't help but be attracted to Roman's appearance, how could he not? Roman was gorgeous.

As Logan continued to watch the game, his eyes were only on Roman the whole time, blush lightly covering his cheeks. Logan took a small sip of his water, when Virgil saying something finally distracted Logan from his gaze.

" keep looking at Roman, you like him or somethin?"

Logan's eyes widened, and he coughed up his water, chocking on said water upon that question. He forced himself to swallow done the rest of the water and shook his head. "N-no,I do not 'like' him as you say, he is just the captain so of course i would watch him. He's dramatic, and extra I-I would not be interested in him-" He looked away from Virgil, his face goining crimson.

The emo witch rasied an eyebrow at Logan's response, and looked at Patton mouthing 'so he does like him? ' Patton simply snickered and nodded.

                             After the game ended

Patton clapped joyfully "oh! We should go down there are tell Roman how amazing he did!" He suggested, and Virgil nodded. Logan blushed even more but also nodded none the less "yes, because he did do very good, I didn't know he was that gifted with his illusion magic.. "

The three of them rushed down to the field and Patton ran up to Roman and hugged him. "You did amazing Kiddo!!" The prince boy chuckled and hugged him back with one arm and did he post with the other "oh thanks padre." He then noticed someome he thought wouldn't be there, Logan Blight. "Oh? Pocket Protector? You're here?"

He rolled his eyes but was smiling a bit to himself "Mine my name is Logan, prep. But yes im here, y-you did great.." Logan thought to himself for a moment. 'Should I just ask? Grom is soon, and I would like to have a date this year, especially if I have a good chance of being Grom King.' His thoughts figuratively raddling in his brain until he decided, he was going to just ask. "Ehm, Roman i have a question for you if you do not mind talking to me alone.." He adjusted his glasses gently.

Roman's face went a little pink and he chuckled "oh okay." He walked with Logan to an area where it was just them. "So what did you want to talk to a prince about?"

Logan inhaled "Roman, I find you very aesthetically pleasing, and you are also very ehm...charming. So i was wondering, would you like to accompany me to Grom..?"

Roman gasped dramatically "Oh like the stars which dath in the sky I thought you'd never ask me." He fanned himself but then laughed "Of course ill go with you nerd." He replied, hearts in his eyes.

Word Count: 1220

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