Childhood Trauma-Loceit

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Tw: Childhood abuse, abandonment, touch starved Logan, jumpy Janus? (Idk he just jumps when he's not used to people yet cause t r a u m a.) , Underfed Logan, running away, Rejection,Crying, Swearing. Homophobia (no use of slurs though because those trigger me too.)

A/N: also Virgil likes Logan for a part but I promise this is Loceit not analogical just wait. tbh idk why I made this it's so damn sad. Honestly just like, I'm sorry for anyone who reads this you might cry.

Au: Human

Genre: Angst

Logan had a terrible childhood, his parents never cared about him. They would always forget to feed him, so by age 8 he got used to getting food by himself.

Logan watched as his parents sat on the couch together, watching some sort of horror movie he assumed, because of all the screams. His stomach growled, and he whimpered slightly as he looked at the time,11:45 pm. He was only 8, he shouldn't be up this late, and he shouldn't have to wait for his parents to go to bed to get his food. He sighed to himself as he waited for his parents to drift off to sleep so he could sneak into the kitchen and scavage for any food he could somehow find.

A lot of the time they wouldn't pick him up from school, so Logan got used to walking home since age 12.

Logan looked up from the book he was reading and sighed, he was always the last to be picked up from after school care, since kindergarten. "Maybe they're just running late!" The teachers would tell him, but he knew if they were running late they would at least try to get here before 5:30. The teachers would obviously notice this, that they didn't get there unil very late so they would typically call his parents, but Logan was 12 now. He didn't want to sit around reading a book he had already read three times before, waiting for his parents to pick up the phone call from a teacher. If he was getting home, he would have to walk. And so, he went to the school office and signed the paper for if you want to become a walker from and back to school.

Since he was always feeding himself, he never really got full meals and he was always skinnier than all the other kids. At first he didn't notice, but then the other kids would start calling him names, and teasing him about his appearance. After that, yeah he noticed.

"Hey Twig!" A boy exclaimed, yet Logan ignored him, he didn't want to deal with this right now. The boy groaned "Nerd!" He yelled, at this Logan jumped but he still still didn't turn around. "So you're just going to ignore us huh?" Logan rolled his eyes and replied "yes, indeed I am. Do you have a problem with that?" More people started to yell nicknames at him, he looked down at himself, he really was as skinny as a stick..

Logan never really had many friends either, he only really had one friend, Virgil,  who he met when he was 13. Virgil and him had both had pretty rough childhoods, Virgil had moved to Logan's town in 8th grade because he moved in with his aunt to get away from his parents. Logan wished he could do that, but nonetheless he was happy for Virgil and soon him and Virgil became really close.

"Logan." The principal of Sanders middle school had said early Saturday morning "This is Virgil Salem, since you are one of our most gifted students and your parents didn't mind you coming on a weekend" The truth was that his parents didn't even know, he asked them to sign a paper and they just did it without reading it. They didn't even notice him leave in the morning, or if they noticed,they didn't care. The principal continued "I wanted you to give him a tour today." Logan looked over at the short boy, Virgil, he looked very anxious, Logan understood that feeling, meeting new people was typically scary. "Salutations, don't worry, I won't hurt you." Logan said giving Virgil a soft wave. Virgil looked up and smiled at him "Sup, you're name is..?" Logan chuckled "Logan. Now, on with the tour?"

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