Motorcycle Ride-Intrulogical

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A/N:Hell yeah, Remus has a motorcycle

Tw: Swearing, gross mentions of gore/organs.

Remus cackled a bit "cmonnnn it'll be funnnn, plusss you get to hold onto meeee~" He winked a little at his boyfriend. He ruffled Logan's hair eagerly "pleaseeee? It'll be faster than walking to the park!"

Logan sighed, softly blushing "okay okay alright, but wear a helmet! And you promise you're careful correct?"

Which Remus replied with a laugh,"you don't have to worry so much Nerdy Wolverine, you really think I wouldn't be safe?" Logan just bluntly countered with "yes, you're Remus." Remus playfully shoved him, kissing his head lovingly.

He grabbed two helmets because Logan insisted on him wearing a helmet and gave one of them to Logan. "You're such a goody-two shoes sometimes Lo." Remus mumbled wrapping his arms around his wasit.
Logan felt his face suddenly heat up "Remus I am not a goody two shoes you just have literally no sense of safety." He sighed

Remus shurgged "I have a sense of safety, I just ignore it purposely because crime is good!" He grinned. He gasped "Holy shit, Logan imagine what would happen if someone fell so hard onto the ground their brain, like, fell out!"

Logan turned his head to face Remus, "normally I would say I don't want to answer that before going on a ride with you, however I can't say no to a science question." He then proceeded to explain what would happen as Remus listened, his eyes glistening. Logan felt a small smile tug at his lips, he appreciated having someone listen, even if he was listening because he was interested in violence.

Remus let go of Logan for a moment and got onto the motorcycle. "You ready?" his legs bounced enthusiastically as Logan got on behind him. The logical boy wrapped his arms around Remus, taking a breath.

The frosty fall wind blew through their hair, as colorful leaves from trees continued to fall. The sun shined a faint light onto the two of them as they continued to ride. "See? I told ya it was fun!" Remus beamed. Logan blushed lightly "okay fine, I suppose this is enjoyable." he hesitated before adding "Most time with you is enjoyable though.."

Remus raised his eyebrows "oh? Does Lo actually like me!! Ooooo!" He teased, just to be annoying.  Logan narrowed his eyes at him "unfortunately, I do. You actually listen to me, and you're ehem,, uh fun?"

Logan shrugged, he didn't know how else to compliment Remus but he really did love him, he didn't know why though. They continued to ride on Remus's motorcycle, Logan occasionally tightening his grip as Remus made sharp turns.

Eventually they made it to the park they had planned to hang out at for the day. Remus hopped off, and helped his boyfriend step off of the motorcycle.

"So...wanna do that again sometime?" Remus asked happily. To which Logan smiled "Remus.."

"Absolutely not."

Word Count : 499

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