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Tw: Capital Letters
Note: The only fanart I could find had Roman in it too ;w;
Au: Human Au, where Patton and Emile live together.
Emile sighed sitting in his office, tapping his pencil on his desk. Usually no matter what he was thinking about, being in his office would help, but currently he just couldn't think. He was trying to think of a good gift for his boyfriend's birthday. Patton's birthday was coming up, and he still hasn't gotten him his present yet, though he had made him a card telling him how much he really did love him. It them suddenly hit him, Emile and Patton had been living together for a while, and the one thing Patton would always ask was "Emy? Can we get a puppy?" And Emile really wanted a puppy too, yet they still hasn't gotten one yet, so getting Patton a puppy would be the perfect gift! Emile squealed excitedly, he could get the puppy before Patton got home and give it to him as an early birthday present! He quickly stood up from his pink spinny chair, grabbing his keys, and walking outside. Emile skipping to his car, getting into the car, and starting to drive to a nearby shelter. Emile parked in the packing lot of the shelter, and ran out of his car. "Patton is going to love this!" He said happily walking inside the shelter, Emile's face lit up as he saw all the cute little puppies "awwww they're all so cute!" He walked towards one husky puppy, the husky barked happily and licked Emile's hand, causing him to squeal.
                                Later that day
Emile happily walked out of the shelter, with a cheerful Husky puppy in his arms. He walked into the car, the dog sitting on his lap, as he drove home with a innocent smile on his face. He parked in the driveway, and thankfully his boyfriend wasn't home yet. He walked out of the car, the Husky jumping up and down in Emile's arms "awww you're excited to meet Patton aren't you?" The puppy barked and wagged it's tail. Emile smiled, taking out his keys and unlocking the front door. The husky jumped out of Emile's hands "awwwwww" Emile gushed. The Husky tilted his head in confusion, causing Emile to squeal again "awwwwww you're just so cute!" Emile picked the puppy up again, and walked into his office, sitting at his desk, with the husky on his lap. Emile looked out the window and noticed Patton's car pull into the driveway "oh yes he's home!" He said happily. "Em, Sweetie? Are you home?" Patton asked as he walked in. "I'm home Patt! I'm just in my office, hold on a second!" Emile grabbed Patton's birthday card, some light blue balloons and let the Husky sit on his head, he would hold him in his arms but he was holding too many things already. Emile pushed his door open "Happy Birthday Patton!" He said happily, as Patton gasped "EMY! YOU GOT A PUPPY!!! IT'S SO CUTE!!!" Emile smiled,"You've been wanting to adopt one for a while, so happy birthday!" The husky jumped into Patton's arms and he squealed "awwwww! I'm going name you Cookie! Can we name him Cookie?" Emile giggled in response "of course!" Patton smiled looking at his pet Husky "Do you like that name?" The husky barked happily in response "Cookie it is then!" He said happily "Em, you are the best boyfriend ever!" Patton gushed happily. Emile blushed "No you are Patt, you're the best boyfriend ever."
Word Count: 598

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