Happy Birthday!-No ship (with pictures cause I'm cliche like that.)

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A/N:It's both twins birthdays soooooo I'm posting this :) Sorry it's really bad and cliche I just needed to celebrate.

Tw: One uncensored swear cause it's Remus, Use of the Lord's name in vain (I'm not religious but like I had to put the trigger here.)

Genre: Fluff

Remus rubbed his eyes starting to sit up, he yawned and slowly got out of bed, almost forgetting what day it was. He almost forgot what day it was, until he sunk out of his room into the dark sides to living room to see Janus smiling at him, with a green and black present in his hands. "Happy Birthday Remussssss!" Janus grinned at his friend and handed him the present. "Wait that's today? HOLY SHIT THAT IS TODAY!" Remus exclaimed."Thanks for the present Janus!" Janus giggled,"Well go on, don't open it you idiot." Remus chuckled and aggressively ripped the wrapping paper off of the present. He stared at Janus "Snakey...its just a box." Janus face palmed in respond "Oh my god you're so smart, open the box moron." Remus excitedly opened the box. Inside the box had a few things, a black lock and key necklace, a green octopus stuffed animal with a mustache that looked a lot like him, and a card.

(These are what the gifts look like btw

(These are what the gifts look like btw

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Remus took out the card and opened it,smiling to himself as he read it, trying not to get emotional because he wasn't typically a sappy person.

Dear Remus:
I /don't/ hope you have an amazing birthday, thank you for being my friend for all these years and staying here with me. As much as it seems like you annoy me, I do love you as a friend. But enough of that gross sappy stuff, I hope you like the gifts, when I saw them both I automatically thought of you.
Sincerely, Your best friend Janus.

Remus looked up at his snake-like friend, and pulled him into a tight hug. "Thank you so much Janus!!" He exclaimed happily. Janus rolled his eyes with a small smile spread across his face "yeah, yeah, now let go of me." He sneered. Remus eventually let go of his, a wide crooked smile spread across his face. "Now come on Remussss, the otherss are waiting for you." Janus says with a smile, and Remus looks at him confused. Janus sighed "The light ssssides ssssilly! Now c'mon Rem!"

Meanwhile at the light side of the mindscape

Patton looked at Virgil and Logan, as he was finishing putting up streamers "You guys have finished wrapping your presents right?" He asked excitedly. They both nodded in response "I still don't understand the point of scaring Roman to tell him happy birthday though, why don't we just say it?" Logan asked, poking his head up from his hiding spot. Patton giggled heading to his spot "We're not scaring him Lo, we're surprising him!" Patton said happily handing Virgil and Logan signs that said 'Happy Birthday Roman'."Ooh Ooh I hear him coming okay shh. " He whispered excitedly. The fanciful side yawned to himself, tirdely starting to walk into the light side living room. Roman turned the light on in the living room, and the other three light sides jumped up "Happy Birthday Roman!!" They exclaimed happily. They were all smiling, even Logan had a smile across his face. Roman gasped "Aww guys! Thank you so much!!" He squealed happily. Patton ran over to Roman and wrapped his arms around the creative side hugging him tightly. Logan and Virgil rushed over to Roman as well handing him his presents. "Happy birthday Roman, I purchased you this gift. I hope you enjoy it." Logan smiled at his friend as he gave him the present. "I also got you a little something, it's not much but like...I hope you like it Ro." Virgil said, scratching the back of his neck and handing Roman his present. Patton eventually let go of him and handed him his present as well. Roman looked over at his three friends "Guys, you really didn't have to do this much! Thank you!" He said as he started to open the presents from the others. Patton had gotten him a cute Stitch hoodie with cat ears, and a pride flag. Logan had gotten him sparkly red Mickey ears, and a Bolt stuffed animal. Roman opened Virgil's gift last, and he squealed very loudly when opening it, which caused Virgil to jump. "AAAAAAAAAAA THANK YOU!!!!!" Roman exclaimed. Virgil had gotten him a signed Frozen poster.

((This is what the hoodie, Mickey ears and stuffed animal looked like

((This is what the hoodie, Mickey ears and stuffed animal looked like

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10 minutes of Roman literally screaming over Virgil's gift later.

"Oh that reminds me! Remus and Janus are probably going to arrive soon!" Patton said happily. And about a minute after Patton said that none other than Remus and Janus sunk into the light side living room. "SUP BIT-" Remus stopped himself upon seeing the pure Patton so happy to see him "I mean hey guys!" Virgil laughed and waved at him "Happy Birthday Rem." Patton and Logan smiled at the intrusive side as he chatted with Virgil. They all spent the day celebrating the twins birthday, celebrating them, both of them equallly, because that's what's important.

Word Count: 891
A/N:Happy Birthday Remus and Roman! ❤️👑💚🐙

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