Sick au-Moceit

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Tw: Small amount of uncensored swearing. Sickness..?

A/N: Also Patton does not have Corona Virus,it's just a cold. If I see one comment about Patton having Corona I will be forced to steal your kneecaps

Genre: Fluff

Patton laid in his bed, his light blue covers pulled up to his chest. He coughed into his arm, and cuddled his stuffed bear which he named "Jan-Jan". The stuffed bear was wearing an outfit almost identical to the one that his boyfriend Janus wore, even including the hat and gloves. Patton hugged the bear even tighter, snuggling the stuffed animal as if it was the actual Janus. Patton jumped up when he heard a knock on his door "Oh come in!" Patton weakly said with a sniffle. Janus slowly turned the door knob, and walked into Patton's room. Janus blushed deeply seeing the stuffed bear that Patton was cuddleing. He walked over to the moral side "Patton? Are you okay?" Patton smiled slightly "Oh yeah Kiddo, I'm fine!" Patton then coughed again "I'm just sick." Janus looked over at him sympathetically "Isssss there anything I can't do for you?" He asks softly. He was almost never soft, but near Patton he was a complete softie, and since Patton needed him right now, he was going to try to be as gentle as possible for him. Patton looked up at his snake boyfriend "Aww Janus that's really sweet of you but I don't need anything." Janus sighed "Please don't let me take care of you Patton? You're always there for me, you're the only light side who really cares about me, just...let me take care of you when you need it. I wanna show that I'm a good person... " Patton couldn't help but smile, and he nodded."But Jan, you don't have to do anything to show me you're a good person, I already knew that. " Janus blushed, and walked out of Patton's room. He was going to try his hardest to make breakfast today, even though he didn't cook very often. Sure sometimes he had to cook for him and Remus in the dark side of the mind palace but he always had help with that, and most of the time Patton or Logan cooked for all the sides anyway. Janus sunk into the kitchen, and opened up the cabinet with the pancake mix in it. Janus reached up, but he couldn't reach it. He groaned and jumped up trying to reach it, but the mix just fell down and spilled all over the ground "Shit!" He whisper-yelled,cleaning up the pancake mix. Janus sighed "I guess I can't make pancakes then.." He mumbled. The deceitful side decided he would just make Patton some tea with honey in it, that would help with his cough anyway. He boiled some water and started to make the tea.

Time Skip because the idiot author doesn't know how to make tea with honey in it ;w;

Janus carefully walked over to Patton's room, the tea in his hands. He carefully started to walk near Patton's room when Roman suddenly sunk up to where Janus was. "Oh hey Jack The Fiber!" Roman exclaimed which caught Janus off guard, making the snek trip. The tea spilled everywhere on the ground, and the mug broke "little bit-" he mumbled under his breath but then looked up at Roman "Hey Princey!" He said through gritted teeth. "Oh hey sorry about that Reptilian Repscalian.." Roman replied, helping Janus clean up the mess. "Oh it's fine." Janus replied,clearly annoyed yet not wanting to hurt the fanciful side's feelings for once. Janus sighed, throwing away the shards of glass with Roman. "I'll just make another cup of tea for Patton." He mumbled walking over to the kitchen to make another cup of tea. Janus sighed out of annoyance as he started to boil the water.

A few minutes later after poor Janus had to make another cup of tea 🥺 (One Vote=One Cup of Tea for Patton.)

Janus let out a sigh of relief as he finished making the cup of tea "I swear if something happens again I won't kill someone.." He mumbled as he headed to Patton's room. Janus lightly knocked on Patton's door "Patt? Can I come in..?" A weak,"of course Jan!" was the response. The snake-like side walked into Patton's room carefully holding the hot cup of tea in his hands. "Okay so I was going to make you breakfast but I didn't spill the pancake mix.." He admited "and then I made you some tea but Roman didn't scare me so, I had to make you more tea." He held out the cup for him with a sigh. Patton sat up and smiled "Jan-Jan,you don't have to do anything for me, you being here is enough."

Word Count: 812

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