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Suna POV

I spent the rest of my day just lazing around at home. I would play some games, then take a nap, then eat some food and repeat that cycle until it got dark. I looked at the clock and it read 9pm. Time to go I guess.

I got out of bed and grabbed my keys and wallet. I decided to just walk to the convenient store this time. Once I arrived, the same cashier I saw yesterday stared at me shocked. I noticed that he hung my autograph on the wall behind him. I really didn't have anything to buy so I just walked up and down the aisles. Will he come today?

It probably looked really weird since I was just walking up and down the aisles for no reason.
I walked to the back of the store and crouched down to look at the different jelly stick flavours. Maybe I'll look less suspicious. The bell to the store rang which signalled that someone had either entered or exited. I quickly stood up and turned to the door. Just an old lady.

I crouched back down and continued staring at the jelly sticks. I've been here staring at the jelly sticks for around half an hour already and the only person who came in was that old lady.

"Excuse me?" I looked up and wished I didn't because now I was faced to face with the cashier.

"What." I ask.

"Do you need help with anything? I can help you if you need anything." He says.

"No I do not need help." I said before turning back to the shelf. The cashier seem to get the idea that I didn't want to talk to him anymore and walked back to his station. Least he's smart enough to read people. The bell rang once again and I immediately snapped my head towards the door. An old man this time...

I sighed and just went back to staring at the shelf. Why am I wasting my time for this boy? I slowly made my way to the drinks section. While I was walking a boy came in. The bell rang and he made his way to the cooked food section. Is it? What are the chances. I walked and stood in a place so I could get a good look at the boys face. The boy was wearing a hoodie and had his hood on. His height matched with the boy I saw yesterday.

I walked around and noticed that his face looked like the boy from yesterday. I didn't expect to find him so fast. I watched as the boy picked up some onigiris and walked to the cashier. The cashier put them in a bag and the boy walked out.

I realized I was still standing in place. Step by step I quickly ran out of the store and caught up with boy. I grabbed onto his shoulder and flipped him around.

"Found you" I said.

The boy turned and looked at me.

"Oh my god? Yer Sunarin?!" The boy said smiling. I frowned, I thought he didn't know me?

"Since when were you blonde" I ask when I saw some of his hair.

"Can I get a picture with ya?" He asked completely ignoring my question.

"The fuck? You saw me yesterday. Why didn't you ask me then?"

"If I saw ya yesterday I would have asked you then?"

"What is this bullshit. Fuck it, I'm outta here." I said before walking away.

I walked down the road and made my way back home. What the hell just happened? I swear that was the same boy from yesterday. I swear I'm not high... yet why do I feel like I am?

I got back home and sat on my window ledge. It's like the boy went from one personality to another. Seriously does he have a personality disorder or something? Why was he so different today.

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