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Suna POV

"Shit no way! You shouldn't be drinking so much fro your first time." I said. Osamu continued to stare at me as if I am going to change my mind. Then again... a part of me wanted to witness a drunk Osamu. If Osamu is like his twin, from what I heard about Atsumu feign drunk. I wonder if the same would apply to Osamu?

Osamu stated at me for a little longer before walking to the table and grabbing him self another cup. Before I could even say anything, all the liquid from the second cup just vanished into thin air or in this case, into Osamu's stomach.

I just sighed and turned to look for Atsumu who was clinging onto Sakusa.

"FOXY!" Suddenly Osamu jumped onto my back. Oh god. He's drunk... but I kinda like it.

Osamu had his legs wrapped around my waist as his arms were wrapped tightly around my neck. His head was snuggled into my neck and his soft grey hair was brushing my skin. I stood there in complete shock. Who knew Osamu would be so clingy when he is drunk. This is the cutest shit I've ever seen. Should I be worried or should I just enjoy this? I'm gonna enjoy it obviously since I'm just that kinda guy.

I walked over to the couch and took a seat. Osamu was still clinging onto me but he had shifted to my side. He looked so small sitting in the corner of the couch. I just watched him as he snuggled into my body. His knees were up to his chest as his face was flushed pink.

"SAMU COME DANCE WITH ME" a loud yell from Atsumu was heard. I turned my head to see Sakusa who looked as though he had already given up. Osamu looked up at his twin brother before standing up and following his brother to the dance floor. The two of them began dancing like maniacs yet they still attracted a lot of attention. I mean good looking twins just dancing out in the open.

Sakusa walked over to me, hands in his pocket.

"You look like your having a blast." I state.

"I don't need your sarcastic remarks." Sakusa mumbled. "I'm already done with this night. Actually I was done the moment we stepped foot into this building." Sakusa continued. He sounded like he really hated here. I mean he does but like it was hell for him.

"Why are you so happy." He asked me. Was it that obvious that I was happy?

"Oh let's just say this night is in my favour." I say cheekily.

"Osamu is clingy when he's drunk and you are happy cause he is clinging onto you?" Sakusa said. I looked at him shocked.

"Did you forget that Atsumu is his twin?" He asked. Right...

I turned my head back to the dance floor only to not see Osamu or Atsumu.

"Oh god where the fuck did they run off to." I said as I stood up to scan the area. Sakusa was pinching the bridge of his nose as his eyes were shut tightly.

Of course we just had to lose them at a party. I mean anything could happen.

"Fucking hell Osamu. Where the fuck are you?" I mumble underneath my breath as I began walking around.

I made my way through the crowds which wasn't very easy. Not only were random girls latching onto me but literally everyone was drunk out of their minds.

"No way?! Is this Sunarin?" A girl threw herself onto me. I was growing annoyed by the minute... actually by the second. I just wanted to find Osamu and watch him. Not be surrounded by people who only like me cause I'm famous and rich. Fight me.

"No it's not Sunarin. You should get your eyes checked." I stated flatly before kinda shoving her to the side and continuing on with my way.

I kept walking around the party, unable to spot the twins. How did they go from standing out from the crowd to basically gone.

I dragged my feet around the room. I was hunched over as my eyes scanned the room. Finally what felt like eternity, I saw a blur of grey hair. I only know one person with grey hair... besides the old people I know, but they wouldn't be at a party like this. Found you.

I quickly walked over, eyes not leaving the grey hair. When I reached I was met with the most adorable sight. Osamu was curled up on the ground sleeping in the corner. Atsumu was sleeping a bit further away from him. I pull out my phone and snap a couple of shots. Sakusa found me and spotted Atsumu. He immediately attended to him and picked him up. I also picked Osamu up and followed Sakusa out to the car.

What a long day...

This book I think I'm just gonna make short chapters but I'll update more often. I may be a bit slow right now since I'm still trying to think of the story idea but once I do, I'll be updating really often!

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