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"Man I hate mornings." I grumbled when I got out of bed. I threw on whatever smelled clean as I was too tired to even bother about how I looked today. I walked into my bathroom and did my business. I then headed to my kitchen which had a pile of dirty dishes. I'm just gonna leave that till later.... is what I said the other day but now I really didn't want to do it. I just grabbed a bowl that looked somewhat clean and dumped some cereal inside. I poured the milk that smelled okay and just downed my cereal. Why was I so tired?

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my backpack before making my way to school. I was practically sleep walking to school. I'm surprised I made it without getting hit by a car or walking into a pole.

I attended my classes as per usual. Nothing really special, just our regular routines. After class I was a bit more awake. Maybe it's cause I fell asleep on my desk for a while. I was lucky the professor didn't catch me.

"Sunarin! Sunarin! Omg it's you!" I looked down and saw a rather short girl. She had black hair tied into two braids. She was wearing a red skirt along with a white hoodie. Her black stockings went up to her thighs and she wore shoes that didn't look that comfortable.

"Um hey." I said.

"I'm a huge fan! Can I have your autograph?" She asked. I nodded and sighed her paper.

"Can I also get a picture?" She asked. I mentally rolled my eyes but nodded. I made a fox with my hand and looked into her camera. I kinda just kept a poker face on since I didn't feel like smiling.

"Can I also shake your hand?" She asked once again. Shake my hand? Seriously?

I held my hand out and shook it. How awkward.

"Can I also-"

"Oh look at the time, I better get going now. Thanks for the support." I interrupted her and walked past. Gosh isn't one thing enough?

I walked over to the cooking department and made a beeline to Osamu's classroom. I small smile crept on my lips as I saw Osamu cooking in his station. I wished he would cook for me everyday..

"Osamu:)" I called out after staring for way too long.

"Suna? Why are ya here again?" He asked.

"Can't I visit my favourite person?"

Osamu ignored what I said and just rolled his eyes.

"Let's go on another date!" I said. Osamu looked at me then back down. "I'm suppose to go with my brother to a party." Osamu said. I raised my eyebrows. I literally can't imagine Osamu at a party. Wasn't he like one of those people that lived under a rock? Why would he be attending a party filled with people?

"You? At a party?" I question. He sighed and nodded. I guess he wasn't thrilled about it either. "Atsumu is forcing me."

"And you agreed?" I ask.

"He wouldn't shut up."

I can kinda see that happening. Wait if Osamu is going to the party, what's stopping me from going with him?

"I'll come too." I say.

"You weren't invited."

"Please, anyone can attend a college party." I say. "It's our third date" I smirk.

"Wonderful." I could see Osamu gritting his teeth. The sarcasm was very obvious.

Just as I was about to make another remark, Atsumu came barging into the room.

"Sunarin?" He asked but I think he realized why I was here because he shook his head and immediately turned to Osamu.

"Samu hurry up! Why are ya still cooking? Let's go to the party already. Sunarin yer coming too." Atsumu said before pushing all of Osamu's dishes into the sink and began aggressively washing each dish. Atsumu didn't even wash it that clean but he just threw everything in the drying rack before grabbing our hands and dragging us out. Sakusa was sitting in his car and the three of us quickly climbed in.

"Why do I have to go?" Osamu asked.

"Because ya need a life" Atsumu retorted.

"I'm surprised yer going Sakusa." Osamu then said.

"I'm only going to make sure Atsumu doesn't do anything stupid when he's drunk." Sakusa said.

"Why is he a lightweight?" I asked.

"Mhmm. He does a bunch of stupid shit when he's drunk." Sakusa said which earned him a slap on the shoulder from Atsumu.

Hm. I wonder if Osamu is a lightweight too? He's related to Atsumu. It's possible.

I turned my head to look at Osamu who was just looking out the window.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Atsumu was singing along with the music and I occasionally began humming along.

"YA WERE HERE" Atsumu yelled once we arrived. It honestly startled all three of us. We got out of the car.

"I wanna go home." I heard Osamu mumble but he followed behind Atsumu anyways. I quickly caught up to him and slung my arm around his shoulder.

"Get yer hands off me." Osamu mumbled.

"But you're my date." I said poking his cheek with my index finger.

"I just want to get this over with..." he mumbled before walking in. I was happy because he didn't deny the fact it was a date.

There were a lot of people inside and outside. Music was blasting which made the floor rumble. The tables were filled with drinks. There were lots of people dancing and some even making out.

My arm was still slung over Osamu but it soon fell after Atsumu dragged Osamu to the drinks table. Atsumu immediately filled a cup and handed it over to Osamu.

"Drink it! It's like juice." Atsumu said before walking away with a cup of his own.

I watched as Osamu looked at his drink. It was so filled that a bit of the drink was leaking onto the ground. Osamu looked up at me before he hesitantly took a sip. I chuckled as I watched his face go from nervous to disgusted to curious to surprised. I was also surprised when I saw Osamu drink more. I watched as Osamu downed his entire cup before holding the empty cup in front of me.

"Can I have more?"

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