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Thank u for all the votes and comments!! Love u guys<3

Okay well my imagination has been running wild these past few days and I have a whole bunch of story ideas but I'm scared to start another one until I finished my other books first.

Recently I read a couple of elemental au but they were never completed and my mind can't Rest In Peace sooooooo why not make my own?

Also I've been wondering what it would be like if the Haikyuu characters played another sport?¿

Meh then I have this supernatural idea.
Maybe omegaverse._. Mafia au._. Idk ahhh

I still have that idol au I want to start

Plus I've been wanting to write a childhood to adulthood kinda au

Also I want to try writing a tragedy since it's one of my favourite genres. Yes I love crying.

If only I had more hands updates would be so much faster;-;

I'll try my best to update more since I know how annoying it is to wait on updates!

Ajdnjsidnqidnqidnwj alright sorry for this short rant. Moving on!


Suna POV


Okay what the fuck? Why is Osamu here? I mean I'm not complaining but did Atsumu really manage to convince Osamu to come?

Osamu seemed to be staring very intently at me. Oh my god, do I even look okay. I felt rather self conscious at the moment since Osamu was glaring holes through my soul and not saying anything. Even though I was feeling this I responded in a cocky way cause I can't let him know that.

"Like what you see?" I say throwing in a signature smirk.

Osamu seemed to snap out of his... trance and looked me in the eyes.

"We'll all this is yours." I continue which earned me an eye role.

"So whatcha doing here?" I ask trying to start a conversation.

"Well ya texted me saying ya wanted to show me what I'm missing." He said.

"Wait I texted you that? I swore I texted Atsumu." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Uhh ya, ya texted Atsumu. Not me. Uhh Atsumu just told me to come." Osamu said. He looked nervous but that just made him cuter, in my opinion.

"Figured." I responded.

Just as I was about to speak up again, Atsumu and Sakusa came up to us.

"Sorry we're late Suna!" Atsumu said.

I quickly pulled Atsumu aside. "I don't care if you're late since you brought Osamu. Dude how did you manage to bring him?" I ask.

"Uhh I didn't ask him. Ya were the one texting him yesterday. I thought ya were the one to ask him." Atsumu says.

"What I was texting you wasn't I" I said widening my eyes.

"WASN'T I?!?!" I yelled shaking Atsumu back and forth.

"Uh haha.. I gave Osamu my phone to text ya last night. I thought he would at least say it was him." Atsumu said looking for Sakusa for help.

I let go of Atumu and mentally facepalmed. Whatever. What's done been done. The important thing is that Osamu is here. I walked back to the others.

"Soo? You gonna work out with us?" I asked Osamu.

"I'll pass." Osamu said holding his palm out and creating a wall between us.

"Osamu came to watch." Atsumu spoke for him.

"Aw you can watch me anytime" I winked at him. Atsumu was chuckling in the corner while Osamu threw me a glare.

"Let's start already" Atsumu called out and I nodded following him to whichever station he was headed to.

We headed over to the weights. Sakusa and I picked up heavier dumbbells compared to Atsumu who used a little bit lighter ones.

Osamu had taken a seat close by and was watching us. I couldn't tell if he was zoned out or not but he wasn't moving nor was he blinking. To make things better it was the fact he was only watching me.

I tried my best to make it look like a wasn't breaking a sweat and that it was super easy but in reality I felt like an old man that couldn't walk. The things we do for our crush.

"Samu yer crush is showing." Atsumu called out completely exposing Osamu. Osamu had snapped his head towards Atsumu who was already hiding behind Sakusa.

Osamu had a light blush on his face which I found the most adorable thing in the whole wide world.

"Don't worry Osamu I won't tell anybody you have a crush on me. Except maybe me." I say before pouncing onto Osamu for a hug.

"Ew get off me. Yer all gross and sweaty and gross." Osamu said trying to free himself.

"Im hurt. You called me gross twice." I say before tightening my grip around him.

"Help someone help me!" Osamu called out but Atsumu just laughed at him. Im glad Atsumu was on my side. It made things more fun.

"Teddy bears are meant to be hugged" I say which causes Osamu to blush even harder.

I finally freed Osamu which I don't know was a good thing or a bad thing since he immediately ran out of the gym the moment I let go.

"Oh my god just date already" Atsumu let out.

"Hm, maybe I should." I say.

"Imma go get changed first and try to find Osamu" I say before grabbing my stuff and heading to the locker room.

I quickly changed and freshened myself up before heading outside. To my relief, Osamu was sitting by a tree. He had his knees pulled up towards his chest as he played with his shoelaces. I had a mini heart attack after seeing that sight before I walked up to him. I hid behind the tree just so I could give Osamu a little scare.

"Boo!" I whispered into his ear. Osamu's hand immediately went to cover his ears as his whole body moved away from me. I chuckled before taking a seat next to him on the grass.

"Miss me yet?" I asked.


"You're to kind" I joked. "Anyways how bout another date?"

Osamu looked at me as if I had grown two heads.

"Too bad I won't take no for an answer" I say before dragging Osamu to the convenience store. Nothing fancy but the convenience store was like our own special place.

Osamu didn't say anything but followed me nonetheless. He looked like a lost puppy and I just wanted yo give him the world.

Once we arrived at the convenience store I brought Osamu to the cooked food section. We both squatted down next to the onigiri.

"Why are we here?" Osamu asked.


-oop wait for next chapter :p

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