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Am I the only person that likes bottom Osamu?? Hehe

Suna POV



"Sir wake up."

I groaned as I woke up to someone shaking me by my shoulder. It took a while for my eyes to adjust and take in my surroundings.

"SHIT! Where the fuck am I?!" I yelled which seemed to have startled the bus driver.

"Sir we're at the end of the line." He said.

"Oh my fucking god." I mumbled before pulling out my phone to see I was already an hour late. I quickly thanked the bus driver before hopping out of the bus. To my luck, I immediately found a taxi sitting in the side of the road. I sprinted towards the taxi and got into the back seat.

I gave the man the address to the venue. "Please I'm in a hurry." I said. He nodded in acknowledgment and began driving right away. I let out a sigh of relief before falling back into my seat. I can't believe I fell asleep...

I pulled out my phone to text the venue about what had happened. In around 20 minutes I arrived at the venue. The first thing I did after arriving was apologize to everyone. I may be a streamer who likes to trash talk and say dumb shit but I at least have some manners.

The workers didn't seem to mind and had already started bringing in the furniture such as tables, chairs and decorations. I got right into it. Although I was still tired, I couldn't just ignore my job. That's just how life works.

My head was spinning and my eyes just wouldn't stay open. I felt so zoned out.

I wish this day would end soon..

Atsumu POV

-After Suna ran onto the bus-

"Hey Samu!" I yelled as I saw Osamu standing near the bus stop. Was he headed somewhere?

Osamu turned around to face me. Omi Omi had another class so it was just Osamu and I. "Tsumu.. don't ya think Suna looked... bad?" He asked as he struggled to find the words.

"I just saw Suna today at the gym and he was looking as good as ever! I bet yer jealous." I tease recalling my time with Suna and Omi at the gym.

"I'm not jealous!" Osamu said.

"Really now? Ya don't even want to see the picture of us at the gym?" I said holding up my phone on Suna's Instagram with the photo he recently posted of us.

Osamu tried to snatch the phone but I was quick to react.

"Tsumu gimme the phone! I wanna see yer dumb face." Osamu said. That was definitely an excuse. I knew he wanted to see the photo of Suna at the gym.

"Hmm. How bout nah." I say. Osamu rolls his eyes at me and I could tell he was really annoyed. I'm the best.

"Why don't ya come to do the gym with us?" I suggest.

"No why would I work out for fun. I rather sleep in." Osamu says.

"I mean then ya would see the picture in reality." I say.

Osamu seemed to think for a while before responding no.

Are you serious? I was so close!

"Samu! I heard ya kissed Suna on the cheek yesterday." I bring up.

"HOW DID YA KNOW?!" Osamu was definitely shocked at the fact I knew.

"I know everything" I say proudly.

"That can't be it..." Osamu mumbled. I could see his face turning pink. He was embarrassed.

"Still going to deny ya don't like Suna?" I ask.

"I'm going home." Osamu turned in his spot and started walking away. Did he just. He just left me hanging?!?!

I quickly ran up to catch up with Osamu.

"Ya know if ya really like him ya should just accept it. No point in denying it when it's obviously true." I say trying to convince Osamu to accept his feelings. Nosy? Kinda, but I knew my brother really well and I knew it would take him ages to accept it. He just needed a push and I was the perfect person to do so.

"Am I obvious?" Osamu asked.

"Uhh no." I answer truthfully. Probably the only way you can tell Osamu liked Suna was the blush that would occasionally appear on his face when Suna teases him. Other than that, Osamu genuinely does sound really annoyed by Suna. I knew him better though.

"Wait.... So ya do like him?" I asked realizing what he said earlier.

"Well I don't dislike him.." Osamu responds.

I smiled at that. "I'm glad ya told me." I say.

"How did ya know ya liked Sakusa?" Osamu surprisingly asked.

"You'll know when ya like Suna. Even now I could tell ya were worried about him since ya noticed he was looking bad?" I said ignoring his question. If I did explain to him how I knew I liked my Omi Omi  it would probably give Osamu more doubt since he is different from me. His love may be very different from my love.

"Why don't ya go ask him how he is? I'll lend ya my phone to message him." I say before opening a new chat with Suna on Instagram.

"Here just type something." I hand the phone over to Osamu.

"What no. What am I suppose to even say?" Osamu panicked.

"I don't know.. just anything" I respond.

After like waiting a century, Osamu typed something. He handed the phone back to me and continued walking home.

I looked down to see what he had written and it read:


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