Our Everlasting Melody (6)

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I was running all around Blake's apartment, making sure everything was perfect for when he got there. Everything was spotlessly clean, and I was hoping it would stay this way for a little while since it was a lot of work.

My parents thought I was staying over at Leslie's, and I was surprised that they actually believed me. Before they knew about Blake, I told them I was staying over at Leslie's all the time. My mother was really pissed when she found out I was staying at Blake's.

Once I was finally done cleaning, I just sat on the couch and let out a long breath. I didn't know exactly when Blake was going to be home, but I sure hoped that it was soon. I was growing more and more impatient as the minutes ticked on.

So as I continued to wait, I decided to go over my audition piece for the school play. I hadn't looked at it yet, and I was actually afraid of what Christian had grabbed for me. What if he gave me a piece that was too good for me and I couldn't do it?

I gulped, flipping through the few pieces of paper now. I let out a breath when I saw I only had to sing a little from Summer Nights and I had an audition as Sandy that was toward the beginning of the play. The acting wasn't what I was worried about; it was the singing.

I never thought I had been a good singer. When I was a little kid, I had wanted to be a pop star, just like every little girl did. But as I got older, I realized how stupid I had been and singing just wasn't for me.

I heard the front door, and I dropped my audition piece on the coffee table and went sprinting toward it, practically out of breath even though I had barely moved at all.

I pounced on Blake the second he walked in the door, barely giving him enough time to close it. He let out a laugh, hugging me back right away.

"Welcome home!" I greeted him, breaking away from him and pulling him toward the living room.

He looked around his apartment, as if trying to remember how everything was before his coma. I really hadn't changed much; everything was just cleaner. And Blake seemed to appreciate that, which sure made me happy.

"What's this?" Blake asked, picking up the scattered pages of my audition piece that I had thrown when he had entered the apartment. "It's a... script?"

"Part of one," I shrugged, taking it from him and shoving it back into my backpack. "I'm in drama this year, so I'm a part of the school play. Auditions are in a week or two, so... yeah. I've got to work on that."

Blake smiled at me. "I didn't know you liked drama."

I shrugged again. "I took a break from it last year. I thought that I'd take it one last time before I graduated."

"I get to go back to school on Monday," he sighed, plopping down on the couch before pulling me down with him. "It'll be weird, being back. Especially now that we're seniors." He looked like he couldn't believe what he had just said. "Wow... we're seniors."

I giggled, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling my face into his chest. His familiar scent wafted around me, and I almost felt like crying tears of joy. I had grown tired of just smelling him through his blankets and pillows. He was finally back for me to hold.

His arms wrapped around my shoulders, and he held me just as tightly as I held him. Neither of us wanted to let the other go ever again.

"Being a senior isn't all that scary," I informed him after a few minutes of silence. "But it's really not that big of a deal, either."

And it was true. Everyone always made being a senior such a big deal, when it really didn't matter at all. So, you were the oldest in the school. Like that mattered. It didn't get you any special privileges, and it wasn't like we were throwing freshman in garbage cans every single day. We were still just like everyone else.

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