Our Everlasting Melody (14)

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Monday was just like any other normal school day. I didn't ignore or avoid Christian because I didn't want him thinking that I was mad at him for the kiss, and he seemed surprised by this. Obviously he had thought that he had made me uncomfortable by kissing me, but he really hadn't. He just made me feel guilty.

Other than that, the day was normal. Blake and I continued to act like we weren't dating each other, and Thomas did a great job acting like he knew nothing. He did give me a look when I was eyeing him and Jane, though.

Even rehearsals were going well, even with Mona being there and all. She would talk to me, and I would smile and talk right back to her. I wasn't about to let her know that she wasn't exactly my favorite person right then.

For the first half hour of rehearsal, I did absolutely nothing but sit and watch because Mr. Summers worked on a scene that I wasn't in. I enjoyed sitting around doing nothing, and it was fun watching instead of doing.

But when it was finally my turn to get up on stage, I realized that I had left my script in my locker. When I told Mr. Summers this, he told me to go get it and he continued to work on the scene I wasn't in for a little bit longer.

I didn't rush to go get my script, because I knew there would be no point in doing so. Mr. Summers would probably just continue working on the scene even after I got back. So I took my time.

My script was right there when I opened my locker, just like I knew it would be. But before I could grab in, a pair of arms were suddenly wrapping around my waist.

"Hey," a familiar voice whispered into my ear, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin and spin around to face who had scared me.

Blake chuckled. "Jumpy, are we?"

"What are you still doing here?" I questioned him, still a little out of breath.

He laughed at me. "I was talking to the school counselor about my headphones. He wanted to know when I'd be able to take them off without hearing voices again."

"And do you know the answer?" I asked, hoping that it would be soon.

"Well, since it's Monday, I was supposed to see Dr. Carlisle," Blake began to explain to me. "But since he's gone for a conference today, I'm going to see him tomorrow, and then Carrie's going to have her official weekly meeting with me on Wednesday. I'm going to ask Dr. Carlisle when I can take the headphones off then." 

I smiled at my boyfriend, taking a step toward him and wrapping my arms around his neck. I knew that we were still in school, and I knew I had to be back in the auditorium soon, but that didn't matter to me right then. What mattered was that Blake and I were alone for the time being, so I was going to take advantage of it while I had the chance.

I pressed my lips to his, and his hands immediately went to my waist. He pulled me closer to him, deepening the kiss. I didn't know how long we just stood there kissing until we were interrupted.

"You know, you guys suck at hiding your relationship," Thomas informed us when he suddenly showed up behind us, causing both Blake and I to jump away from each other.

"Why are you even still at school?" I demanded, embarrassed that Blake and I had been caught, even if it was by the one person that knew we were still together.

Thomas shrugged uncaringly before leaning against the locker next to mine. "Jane has lacrosse practice and I thought I'd pop up and scare her or something once she's finished."

I couldn't help but make a face at him. "That's endearing."

"I try."

I huffed, grabbing my script and closing my locker. How did Thomas expect to get anywhere with Jane if he acted like a jerk toward her? Being rude to a girl was no way to her heart.

Our Everlasting MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now