Our Everlasting Melody (28)

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The next morning, I was woken up five minutes before my alarm by a bloodcurdling scream.

I rolled right out of bed, not expecting this type of sound in the morning. I heard crashes and slams, and I really assumed that someone had broken in and was now attacking my family.

"Kyle!" I now heard Morgan shout angrily. "How hard is it to carry a box? Pick it up!"

I could hear her husband groan as he picked up whatever box he had dropped. I then crawled out of bed and toward my door.

"What the hell is going on?" I demanded, only sticking my head out the door because I did not want to have to deal with my sister.

Kyle shook his head. "She's been moody lately."

He was telling me. The last time I remembered her acting like this was when she had gone through puberty. That was a very tough time for the both of us.

"Kyle!" Morgan now called after her husband. "I love you!"

Of course she did.

When my phone started ringing back in my room, I let out a groan. I probably should have turned off the alarm before I got out of bed.

Leslie was coming over. We hadn't been had any time to hang out with just the two of us lately, so we decided that today would be a good time to reconnect.

Today was also the day that Kyle and Morgan were leaving. They only came for my show, but they spent the night and were now leaving in the morning. Honestly, I wasn't that upset, considering how moody Morgan was being.

I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. My mother had bought me vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting after my performance the day before, so I decided to have one.

Just as I was eating one of them, Morgan strolled into the kitchen. She looked at me and stopped dead in her tracks.

"That's going to go straight to your ass," she suddenly told me.

I looked around, as if to just make sure she was talking to me. With my mouth full, I said, "What?"

"That," she began again, pointing to the cupcake, "is going to go straight to your ass."

Honestly, I could have cared less where it was going. I just knew it tasted good and that was all that mattered.

When the doorbell rang, I nearly ran to go get it. Anything to get away from my sister and her mood swings.

I opened the door and gasped when I saw Derrick standing in front of me. "What are you..." was all I was able to say as he walked into my house without even being invited in.

"I want to say goodbye to my brother and sister-in-law," he answered, not even needing me to finish my question. "They weren't going to come by my house so I wanted to come over here to say goodbye."

As sweet as that was, he couldn't be here. If Leslie came and he was here, I didn't know what might have happened.

"No, you can't be here," I told him, looking around as if Leslie could have been there. "You have to leave, Derrick. Lesl—"

But I was cut off by a new voice that now screamed from the top of the stairs. "Kyle! Where are my shoes?"

I let out a long sigh. I just didn't get why my sister had been moody all day. She must have been PMSing or something.

"Is everything okay with Morgan?" the younger Smith brother asked as he watched his sister-in-law stomp up the stairs where his brother would be. "She seems..."

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