Our Everlasting Melody (9)

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"Come on and smile," Cassie teased, pinching my cheek as we made our way to seventh period. "You should be excited! We're finding out what parts we get today! Aren't you excited? Aren't you nervous?"

The last thing I wanted to know was what part I had in the play. It had been driving me crazy all day. For the first time in what felt like forever, I did not want to go to seventh period.

"I just want to go home," I informed my best friend honestly, thinking she'd understand. "I screwed up my audition so I don't think I'll be getting a great part."

Cassie rolled her eyes. "You've got to give yourself some credit, Lee. You're hot and talented. Do you really think you're not going to get Sandy just because you tripped on stage? Christian totally saved you anyways!"

I said nothing more to this. She wasn't going to give up, and I wasn't in the mood to fight. So I might as well just let her think that she had won the argument.

"So, since you don't think you're going to get Sandy," Cassie began as we took our seats in our last class of the day. "Who do you think will get what?"

"I don't know," I answered, not wanting to think about it. "Honestly, if it was up to me, I wouldn't be here right now."

"Come on, Leah," Cassie continued, in that same annoying tone as she always had. "This is important!"


"Well, we already know that Christian got Danny," I had to comment, since I knew there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that he was going to get it. "So everyone else is pretty much up for grabs."

Christian rolled his eyes at me. "You don't know that I'm going to get Danny."

I didn't even try arguing with him, because we all knew he was wrong. Christian was the most talented guy in the school, and if he didn't get Danny, then there was something seriously wrong with Mr. Summers.

"Hi, guys!" a shrill voice rang out now. I looked over my shoulder to see Mona making her way toward us. "What parts do you think we're going to get?" she asked as she sat on the other side of Cassie.

"I don't know," I repeated the answer I gave Cassie minutes before.

"I really hope I get a good part!" Mona looked at all of us with a big, annoying smile. Her teeth were too white. "You guys were so good at your auditions, but I did terrible. I'd lucky if I get someone in the background!"

"I'm sure you'll get a great part," Christian assured her, still just as kind as he always was.

"I hope so!"

Honestly, I hadn't been paying enough attention to Mona's audition to know if she had actually done well or not. As much as I would have liked to think that she was terrible, I had no way of knowing for sure until I found out what part she got.

"So Mona, have you talked to Blake lately?" Cassie asked her now, a tone I didn't like in her voice. She was... suggesting things that I didn't want to think about. Had she someone forgotten that he was supposed to be my ex-boyfriend? Just because we were supposedly not dating anymore didn't mean that I was okay with listening to things like this.

"Yeah, of course!" Mona replied back to her, a bright smile planted on her face. Her teeth were so white that it was blinding. Were my teeth that white? "We've had a lot of catching up to do. It's almost like we were never separated!"

I hated the fact that I couldn't say anything. I felt like I'd snap at her if I opened my mouth, and I wasn't even supposed to care. I was his ex-girlfriend. At least, that was what everyone else was supposed to think. It didn't matter what I thought to any of them.

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