Our Everlasting Melody (1)

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This is the sequel to Our Song. Don't read this until you read that, or it won't make sense!


"Wake up, Leah!" my alarm blared, and I sat up quickly and grabbed my phone. "Wake up, Leah, and pick up the phone!"

I glared down at my phone for a moment, just letting it ring before I finally answered. I knew who was calling me, since she called me every morning to wake me up, and I was not in the mood to talk to her so early in the morning.

"Must you insist on waking me up every morning?" I asked Cassie once I finally answered.

She giggled. "Yep! We're starting school tomorrow, so you have to be used to getting up early in the morning! I'm just trying to help my best friend out."

I rubbed my face and let out a grown. "I know you are, but that doesn't mean it doesn't drive me crazy."

Cassie laughed again, and I forced myself out of bed and toward the bathroom to get ready. I stayed on the phone with Cassie, who blabbered on and on about something with Sean, but I was way too tired to actually listen to whatever she was telling me.

"So how's the apartment?" was what I heard when I finally zoned back into what she was saying.

I shrugged, even though she couldn't see me. "It's fine. Lonely, but fine."

I could tell she was frowning. "You should get a dog or something, Leah."

"A dog?" I couldn't help but snort. "I've always wanted a dog, but I don't know how Blake feels about them. It is his apartment and everything, so I shouldn't get one without asking him."

Cassie let out a sigh, and I knew what she was thinking. She wasn't about to say it out loud, since she knew it was going to depress me. She wasn't going to say that I couldn't ask Blake because he had been in a coma for the past four months.

"Maybe I'll get a dog someday," I continued now, not wanting to think about Blake right then. My days went by so much better when I didn't think about how he was still unconscious and he had been for so long. "My parents never let me have a dog, so... yeah. A dog would be nice."

I knew Cassie was smiling now, even though I wasn't. "Well, Sean's here to take me out to breakfast. Do you want to come along?"

I looked down at myself in my ratty pajamas and messy hair. I had come into the bathroom to get ready, but now all I could do was stare at myself in the mirror and think about how comfortable I was right then. School was definitely going to suck.

"No, thanks," I denied, leaving the bathroom now and making my way toward the front door. "Maybe next time. Thanks for offering, though."

We said goodbye to each other and I hung up just as I slipped out the front door to Blake's apartment. The first thing I heard was tiny barking, and I looked over to see that it was the neighbor's dog Maggie.

"Hey, Maggie," I greeted the tiny puppy as I stepped outside. I bent over and petted her. "How are you today, girl?"

The dog panted as she stood on her hind legs and scratched at my leg, though she wasn't strong enough to break the skin. I smiled down at her, wishing that I had a puppy as cute as her. My parents had never allowed me to have pets, so I didn't know what it was like.

"She just loves you, Leah," Mrs. Oberlin, one of Blake's neighbors, smiled at me as she tugged on her dog's leash a little. "I wouldn't be surprised if she just leaves me for you."

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