Our Everlasting Melody (29)

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Walking into school on Monday was the strangest thing. It felt like I had stepped into a time machine or something.

Everyone was looking at me, but not the same way they had been looking at me ever since Blake got popular and I became an outcast. They were looking at me just like they had before Blake and I had even gotten together. Back when I was popular.

When a underclassman ran up to me with her friends behind her, I didn't know what I was supposed to expect. I almost expected her to stomp on my foot or spit in my face or something. But she didn't do anything like that.

"Hi, Leah," the girl smiled at me. "I love your shirt! Where'd you get it?"

I only stared at the girl for a moment. I didn't know who she was, but I recognized her as one of the many people who would whisper about me behind my back. Why was she talking to me now? Complimenting me, even? Was this a joke?

"Um, I can't remember," I answered honestly. "It was a gift from my sister a couple years ago. She told me where she got it but I can't remember where exactly."

"That's fine!" she assured me with a grin now. "I also really like what you did with your hair today."

This was a joke. It had to be. No one gave this many compliments in one conversation unless they were planning something awful.

"By the way, you did amazing in the show," she finally said, and now it all made sense. "I didn't know you could perform so well!"

I didn't know what I was supposed to say to this girl, so I only thanked her. I wasn't used to getting compliments anymore, so I felt very awkward. Luckily, after this compliment, she finally left with her friends and I was alone once again.

But that didn't last very long. As I continued to walk to my first period, people would stop me and tell me how great I had done in the show. Girls would then compliment me on my hair or my makeup. I had no idea what I was supposed to say.

Had I somehow gone back in time? Was I a junior again? I sure hoped not. I didn't think I'd be able to go through everything all over again.

I almost expected Sean to come out of nowhere and hit on me. I thought Cassie would come around the corner and order that I date him. I expected Derrick to act like a complete slime ball, Leslie to like him from afar, Thomas to say something rude to me, Mona to not even go here, and Blake to wear his headphones to block out the voices.

But I knew those things were not going to happen. It wasn't possible.

I already knew first period was going to be awkward. Christian sat right by me, and I was sure he knew something was up. I just hoped he wouldn't make me explain everything to him in the middle of class.

Throughout all of first period, I didn't say a single word to him. He knew that something was wrong, so he didn't even try to talk to me. I just hoped he was willing to listen to what I had to say whenever I did decide to talk to him.

Once class was finally over, I decided that it was the best time. It would be the easiest to do it then, because I would have chickened out if I waited any longer. After Jaz said goodbye to us, Christian and I made our way in the opposite direction. We didn't have the same second period, but they were close to each other.

I stopped walking about halfway there, knowing I was going to have to do it now or else I'd never do it. "Christian..." I started, not wanting to say it. "We need to talk."

Now Christian stopped and turned toward me. He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "Why did I know that something like this was coming?"

Our Everlasting MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now