Our Everlasting Melody (11)

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"Your nose is purple."

This was the first thing Christian said to me when he saw me during our last period of the day. He had been in first period, but for some reason he hadn't seen it then. I gave him a look, knowing perfectly well what color my nose was. People had been telling me all day.

"Thanks for the information," I couldn't help but grumble back.

"What happened?" he asked now.

I didn't really know if I wanted to tell him, because it was embarrassing. I mean, Jaz hadn't even meant to punch me. It had been a complete and total accident and she spent all first period apologizing to me for it.

I pulled out my tiny mirror that I used for makeup. I had covered my nose with cover up as well as I could that morning, but my nose was still an obvious off-color from my normal skin tone. And now, the cover up had completely worn off so I now had a purple bruise on my nose. I didn't know why I had decided to leave my cover up at home.

"I'd let you use my cover up," Cassie said from the other side of me now, "but you're paler than me so your nose would just be darker than it already is."

I didn't feel like walking around with a tanned, bruised nose while the rest of my face was practically white as snow. That'd look even worse than it already did.

"It doesn't look that bad," Christian shrugged, but I didn't believe him. "What happened, anyway?"

I was about to ask him how he didn't know what happened after Jaz kept apologizing to me first period, but then I remembered. All he did first period was read through his script for the eighteenth time. He was even more serious about it because today was our first rehearsal. Though it wasn't required to be off book for a couple weeks...

So I explained to him what had happened. He knew about Jaz's schizophrenia, everyone did, so he understood that it was only an accident.

"I'm just glad she didn't break my nose," I finished off now, since it was the truth. "It's bad enough Sandy's going to have a big purple nose for the next couple of weeks. It'd be even worse if I had to walk around with a nose brace for even longer."

Cassie started snickering. "Remember when Aveline got her nose broken when Maxine punched her last year?"

Christian blinked at her. "Someone broke someone's nose last year?"

"You didn't hear about it?" Cassie pretty much squeaked, hurting my ears greatly. "You went here last year! It was all over the school! People were glad that Maxine did it because everyone else wanted to. No one liked Aveline so everyone was happy when Maxine did it."

She snickered again, but I didn't find this very funny. Sure, I found it funny when it had actually happened, but it wasn't so amusing anymore.

I have my best friend a look. "Her name's not Maxine."

"If her name's not Maxine, what is it?" Christian asked now, his eyebrows knitting in confusion.

"Maxynn, or something like that, I think," I shrugged, not knowing too well because I never spoke to her. "I remember she'd say that it rhymed with Jackson, of whatever."

"Wait, I think I know her!" Christian called out, his excited tone almost making me jump. "I'd know that name anywhere, considering how much my cousin has talked about her in the last two years."

"Cousin...?" my best friend questioned.

Christian nodded. "My cousin graduated from here last year," he began to explain. "His name's Zach."

Both Cassie and I just stared at him. Though it wasn't a common name, we knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Your cousin is Zach Deveraux?" Cassie nearly squealed. She had always had a huge crush on Zach. Then again, she had a "crush" on anyone that was attractive. "You're so lucky!"

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