Our Everlasting Melody (24)

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That Saturday, I was dealing with a major crisis.

I had absolutely nothing to wear.

I mean, seriously. I had no idea what I was supposed to wear on my date with Christian. I hadn't exactly ever been out on a date with Blake before, and none of my boyfriends before him had been anything serious, so it wasn't like I had gone out with them. What was I supposed to do?

I didn't even have Morgan here to help me pick something out. I could have asked my mother, but I felt like that would have been too embarrassing. No one wanted their mother's opinion on what they should wear on a date. Especially when it was my mother.

I finally decided to wear a white skirt with a plain blue tank top. We were just going to the movies, so it wasn't like I had to be fancy or anything. Not to mention the tank top had a stain on the back of it.

As I shuffled into my old flip-flops, I wondered if this was a good idea. Christian was such a great guy, and I was afraid that I would somehow end up hurting him. I did want to go out with him, but I wasn't sure how I felt about Blake. I was afraid Blake was always going to be on my mind, no matter how hard I tried to forget about him.

I wished he'd just get a girlfriend, so I wouldn't feel so guilty about going out on a date with another guy. He had plenty of candidates, considering how popular he now was. He could have a cheerleader, some girl on the debate team, or even Mona. I didn't even care who it was anymore. I just wanted him to be with someone so some of the weight would be lifted from my chest.

This really sucked. I wasn't supposed to be feeling this way right before a date.

When the doorbell rang, I ran down the stairs as fast as I could, not wanting either of my parents to answer the door. But I was too late, and my mother was already welcoming Christian inside.

"I was so excited when Leah told me she was going on a date!" my mother confessed to Christian. Neither of them seemed to realize that I was just on the stairs. "You know, she had had the same boyfriend for a very long time. But it was just a matter of time before the two of them finally broke it off."

She just had to mention Blake. Whenever she spoke to family members, she always had to gossip about all the things going wrong in my life. Blake had been her number one subject for quite some time.

"Mom," I called out, finally wanting to let my presence be known. "You can go now."

My mother laughed, seemingly unaware that I was kind of ticked at her. "Of course, of course. Have fun on your date!"

I didn't know how that could have been possible. I hadn't even left for the date yet, and all I could think about was Blake. Was this how the rest of my life was going to be?

Christian smiled when he saw me. "You look beautiful."

I could feel my face heat up. "Thanks."

I was glad my mom was now in the kitchen. I did not need her gushing over this and making a fool out of me.

"Shall we go?" he now grinned, offering his arm to me in a very adorable way. I couldn't help but giggle at the fact he said shall as I took his arm.

"Of course," I nodded back to him.

When we got to the movie theater, it wasn't as crowded as it usually was, which was nice. I always hated it when we had to wait in lines and the movie was packed. Because there was always some loud, obnoxious person that just had to ruin it for everyone else.

At first, the movie we decided to see started out great. It started out dramatic and funny. But by the end, I was bawling my eyes out.

"I never thought you were the type to cry over movies," he chuckled as we exited the theater. "You seem like the type that would just sit through it with a stone-cold expression."

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