Our Everlasting Melody (4)

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At first, I didn't know what I was supposed to do.

I shot up from my seat, but froze right where I was. I didn't know if I was supposed to believe Jane or not. I was afraid that this was all a part of some sick joke. I'd run out of the classroom and all the way to the hospital, only to see that he wasn't really awake. It was all just a horrible prank. Was that what this was?

Everyone in the class just stared at me, but I still stayed frozen. They all knew about Blake; even Mr. Summers knew about Blake. They knew that he had been unconscious all summer and it had been killing me inside. They all knew what this meant for me if he really was awake. So I really didn't think it would matter that much if I just ran out of the classroom.

I didn't know how long I stood there, but it couldn't have been that long because nobody reacted to me. They all just kept staring. No one said a thing, so I could have only been standing there for ten seconds, not ten minutes like I felt it was.

Without even thinking, I broke up into a sprint right down the row, not even caring that I left my backpack behind. Cassie or Christian would get it for me, or I'd just have to come for it later. All of that didn't matter to me right then.

Jane took off right after me, even though it would probably be smarter to follow her. She seemed to know a lot more than I did, so I had to force myself to slow down so she could direct which way to go. If I got too ahead of myself, I'd end up running all the way to the hospital, and I knew that that wasn't the best thing I could have done.

She grabbed my wrist, pulling me right through the front of the school and toward the parking lot. When I saw her car, I immediately picked up the pace and nearly threw myself into the passenger's seat.

The entire drive there felt like it went by in two seconds. It was as if I had blinked, and I was making my way into the hospital. Everything was just happened so fast. Everything was a blur to me.

"Blake Solo," Jane informed the nurse behind the counter, but all she did was eye me because I couldn't stop moving. I continued to fidget as I stood there, and Jane had to eventually grab onto my hand to stop me from having a spaz attack.

"Blake Solo is in his regular room," the nurse informed us flatly now, and I assumed that she recognized us since she wasn't giving us the room number. "Please, be careful as you make your way down the hall."

No promises.

I simply nodded at the nurse, speed walking toward the hallway and nearly forgetting that Jane had been holding onto me. Once I was out of the nurse's sight, I took off as quickly as I could, knowing exactly where his room was.

When I saw his door, I just ran even faster. I didn't know where Jane was, but I knew she'd catch up. All that mattered right then was seeing Blake.

But before I could get to his door, I was suddenly smashing right into someone as they came out of another room. I nearly fell to the floor, the same with whoever I had run into, but all I did was shout a sloppy apology before trying to continue my path.

"Whoa, there!" the person I ran into shouted, and I almost cussed when they grabbed onto my arm to stop me from continuing down the hall. I looked up, almost groaning when I saw that it was a doctor.

"Excuse me," I tried, failing to pull my arm from his grasp miserably. "I have somewhere I have to be right now."

But this doctor didn't let go of me. I knew running wasn't allowed in the hospital, but what did he expect? There were so many reasons for people to run in hospitals!

The doctor still didn't let go of me as he said, "Why are you running in the halls?"

Pursing my lips, I yanked my arm out of his grasp and glared at him. I did not want him treating me like a child who had been caught stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar. I was seventeen years old, not seven. "My boyfriend just woke up from a coma after four months. I kind of want to see him," I found myself snapping at him.

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