Our Everlasting Melody (21)

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"Leah!" I heard a bloodcurdling scream pierce through the air.

This was not something I wanted to wake up to on a Sunday morning.

In the next second, my sister was bursting through the door and I nearly fell out of bed. First Elias, and now Morgan. Great.

"What is it?" I grumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "What do you want, Morgan?"

My sister was supposed to be leaving today. Was that why she was freaking out, or was it for some other ridiculous reason?

She did this all the time, when we were younger. Ranting and raving and screaming about something that wasn't even important. So now, I wasn't exactly worried.

"Is this a plus or a minus to you?" she demanded, shoving something into my face.

Through my blurry morning vision, I couldn't tell what it was, so I grabbed onto it and took it from her. I felt my hand immediately grow wet.

I then realized it was a pregnancy test.

"Is that a plus or a minus?" my sister repeated. But I couldn't focus on that right then.

"I'm touching your pee."

My sister rolled her eyes at me. "Honestly, Leah."

"My hand is wet from your pee."

She now snatched the test out of my hand. "Well, then go wash your hands and then tell me if this is a plus or a minus!"

I shuffled all the way into the bathroom and scrubbed at my hands for a good five minutes, my older sister glaring at me impatiently from the doorway.

She now held the pregnancy test up for me to look at. "Once again," she sighed. "Does this look like a plus or a minus?"

I stated at the little plus or minus intently. To me... it looked like a minus. So I told her.

She bit her lip. "Well, it's a good thing I bought four different types."

I jumped away from the counter when I turned to see three other pregnancy tests that had already been used and were waiting for my sister to look at the results. How could someone even produce all that pee at one time?

Morgan ignored my jumpy reaction and checked the other tests. She frowned when she saw what they said.

"All are negative," she sighed, plopping down on the closed toilet and dumping all the pregnancy tests in the trash. I didn't know if that was the best idea, considering my mother might have found them and start questioning me, but I didn't say this out loud. "Damn it!"

I didn't know what I was supposed to say. Sometimes I forgot that Morgan wasn't a teenager anymore and was actually married, so at first I was surprised that she wanted to get pregnant so badly. 

I sat down on the rim of the tub awkwardly, not saying a word. How was I supposed to comfort someone who was upset about not being pregnant?

I remembered when Morgan had been afraid that she was pregnant during her senior year, and I calmed her down pretty easily then. Of course, she then found out that she wasn't pregnant, so it was all alright.

And then there was Cassie. In our sophomore year, she thought she was pregnant, and she sobbed in my arms for hours before we found out that she really wasn't pregnant. She never told me who the father could have been.

My eyes widened when I saw that Morgan was now crying. She really wanted to get pregnant badly. How long had she been trying for?

"I'm sorry, Morgan," I frowned, reaching out and holding onto her hand. "This must be really important to you."

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