Our Everlasting Melody (2)

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"Senior year, baby!" Cassie shouted as she drove us to school, the top of the car down as we raced down the street. "Woo-hoo!"

I slumped down in my seat to ignore the stares people were giving us, and Leslie didn't even seem to care at all as she continued to read her book in the back seat. I didn't know if she just didn't care or if she just wasn't listening.

"Cassie, shut up," I snapped at my best friend as she continued shouting. "Someone's going to shoot us!"

She cackled as she continued to drive, but luckily stopped shouting as we continued on our way to school. I was glad that she was now keeping her mouth shut, because I definitely did not need to be attacked right before the first day of my senior year.

When she parked the car and the three of us got out, I didn't really know what to do. I didn't want to step inside the school where everything had started. I just wanted to go home and wait for Blake to wake up.

I tugged on a few of my short ringlets as I trailed behind Leslie and Cassie. It was strange, being back at this place for a brand new year. Sean was gone, and so was Elias. Not seeing the two of them around was just going to be so weird.

Cassie and Leslie entered the school as if it was no big deal at all, and to them, I knew it wasn't. They had no reason to be scared of returning to this place. Both of their boyfriends were alive and well, while mine was near death and schizophrenic. No one was going to stare at them unless they were with me.

Just like I had been expecting, eyes immediately moved to me the second I stepped inside. I could have sworn the part of the hallway I was in grew quiet. I said nothing, and both Leslie and Cassie stopped dead in their tracks.

"Do you want me to take a picture?" Cassie snapped at everyone who was staring. "It lasts a hell of a lot longer."

This caused people to scatter away, and I thanked Cassie quietly as we continued on to wherever she was taking me. As much as I loved being alone, I was thankful for having friends that really did care about me.

"It's strange, not having Sean here," Leslie commented as we continued through the halls, Cassie glaring at anyone who dare look at me. "At this time last year, he was draped all over Leah. Now, he's in college. It's just... weird."

I didn't say anything, but I agreed. Sean might have been really close by, but it felt like he was thousands of miles away. I almost expected him to just pop up out of nowhere like he used to do all the time.

The bell rang then, and Cassie looked down at the time on her phone and cursed. "Damn it, I didn't know it was this late. I guess we'll have to meet up together at lunch."

Leslie and I both nodded, and I couldn't help but think of both Thomas and Jane. They were most likely going to sit in the same spot as we did last year, and I wondered if I'd be able to handle sitting there with them. If I couldn't, I would just sit with Leslie, Derrick, and Cassie at my old table, but I really would have liked to sit with Thomas and Jane as well...

I had English first period, and I couldn't help but feel kind of upset over the thought of this class. Not only did I already miss having Mrs. Sparks as my teacher, but Blake had been in my English class the year before. It was what brought Blake and me together. But now...

I had to stop thinking about him before I went completely nuts. Now that I was in school, I was going to have to focus on my grades and actually care about them. I couldn't act like Blake was the only thing I cared about.

I took a random seat in the back in my new classroom, not caring who was staring at me. I didn't have Cassie to protect me here, so I was going to have to deal with it. It honestly didn't even bother me that much because I was expecting it.

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