The Red Death

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You were suddenly hit by a blinding light and you blinked for your eyes to adjust. You looked around and found yourself in a small room that used to be a hospital room.

You looked over and found a man walking out from behind you, dirty sack in hand. The same one that they had covered your head with when they brought you here.

Terroist: <Fucking Piltover military dog.>

Thr man spat on you causing you to try to jump at him. However, you were restrained to the chair with tight rope.

The man just laughed before he backhanded you. You spat out some blood before the man grabbed your shirt and forced you to look at him.

Terrorist: <We'll get the information we need from you soon enough.>

He snapped his fingers a two more men entered the room. One pushed a cart in which had a selection of tools.

Y/N: Fucking hell.

The man grabbed a screwdriver and turned back to you with a grin.

Terrorist: <Let's see if this dog can bark.>
Eve sat in the waiting room with her head in her hands while Kai'sa was pacing back and forth. It had been nearly four hours since you were rushed to the hospital.

Their minds have been racing ever since.

It was just so surreal to believe. One moment you were with them smiling and cracking jokes. The next, you were on the ground bleeding with a knife in your stomach.

The first thing they did once you were taken away was call Elizabeth. Kai'sa called Jinx who immediately booked a flight. She should be in here within the hour.

Akali and Ahri were also notified and they should be showing up any minute now.

Kai'sa: This can't be happening.

Eve just shook her head.

Jinx: Where is he?!

The two looked up and Eve got to her feet. Jinx and Zoe rushed into the room towards the two.

She stopped once she saw Eve's running mascara and Kai'sa worried look. She immediately went over and hugged the two of them.

Zoe: What happened? Is Y/N alright?

Jinx let go and Eve wiped her eye.

Eve: He's in surgery. The stab wound was deep.

Jinx: It has to be if it did this to him.

Kai'sa: Some guy just came up and....and...he just stabbed him!

She almost broke down again but Eve placed an arm around her.

Zoe: Oh my God.

Jinx clenched her fists.

Eve: They arrested the guy. Apparently he's some super fan of KDA.

Jinx: So he stabbed Y/N because he was jealous?!

Zoe: Babe, calm down.

She rubbed her back and Jinx sighed. She shook her head before she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Jinx: I...I am. I just can't believe this is happening right now.

The four girls all stood there, worried out of their minds.
You hung your head down low as the sun began to set on the abandoned hospital that the cell had made into their base.

The man who had just spent the last five hours torturing you tossed down the pair of pliers he had been using. He wiped his hands as he looked at you.

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