The Cross Roads

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You laid in your bed with Kai'sa laying her head on your shoulder. You were both watching the newest episode of Odyssey just to support Jinx.

Kai'sa: So, as a fan of the original, do you like this?

Y/N: Not at all. But Jinx makes it enjoyable so I'll keep watching.

Kai'sa: Huh.

She moved slightly as she rolled to her stomach. She was now looking up at you with a smile. You grinned a bit as you looked down at her.

She was really beautiful.

Y/N: What?

Kai'sa: Nothing. Just....enjoying this.

She laid her head back down on your chest which made you chuckle.

You laid your head back down and looked up at the roof. This whole thing was kinda....nice.

Being married.

Well, you weren't actually married, but this whole thing was just nice. It made you happy. You felt comfortable.

Rell: This is nice.

You looked down, but you only saw Kai'sa. You slowly moved your hand to her head and began to play with her hair.

Kai'sa: That feels nice.

It did.

Suddenly, you heard a buzzing sound from downstairs. You and Kai'sa both sat up and you realized it was someone buzzing in.

Y/N: Must be Elizabeth.

You and Kai'sa both got up and you headed downstairs. Your wound felt much better now so you didn't groan as much.

Totoro and Mini Kai'sa were still playing their game when you reached the door. You opened it and found your sister standing there.

Elizabeth: Hey, soldier. How're you feeling?

You smiled as you hugged her.

Y/N: Better. It's good to see you.

You moved out of the way to let her in. She set her purse down in the counter and looked over to Totoro and Mini Kai'sa.

Elizabeth: Ah. That's who's staying here.

Kai'sa: Guilty.

Kai'sa round the corner and gave Elizabeth a quick hug.

Elizabeth: That makes me feel a bit better. Thank God it was the responsible one.

Kai'sa: Don't worry. I'm taking good care of my husband.

She walked past Elizabeth who stood there confused.

Elizabeth: Your......what the fuck, Y/N?!

Y/N: Ah!
Elizabeth: Thank you for explaining. I almost finished the job.

You nervously smiled after Kai'sa told your sister about your running game. You were now sitting in the couch with Totoro laying in your shoulder while Mini Kai'sa was smacking your arm with her little paw.

She didn't want anything. She was just bored.

Kai'sa: How is Maria doing?

Elizabeth sighed a bit.

Elizabeth: She's dying to see Y/N. I told her I would bring her around once you feel better.

Y/N: I feel better now! Bring me my niece, you monster!

Elizabeth rolled her eyes while Kai'sa held your hand.

Elizabeth: I will tomorrow, alright?

You mumbled under your breath as Kai'sa stood up.

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