The Choices

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Dad: Not bad.

He pushed up his glasses as he watched the video you were showing him on your phone. It was the girls' new video with Seraphine. It came to an end and your dad continued to stare at the screen. You awkwardly sat there before you held your hand out.

Y/N: It's over, pops.

Dad: Oh.

He handed you your phone back and took off his glasses.

Dad: It was good. I enjoyed it. But, was that your bike?

You nodded as you put your phone away.

Y/N: Yeah. Akali was very persistent in using it. She took care of it, but now it leaves a trail of pink smoke everywhere I go.

Your dad chuckled as he looked out at the land. You were back at your dad's, obviously, since you decided to take a break. That, and because you could use some old person advice.

Dad: I'm proud of them. They may not be my daughters, but they're my girls. Hell, as often as they call to check in, they're all practically family.

Y/N: That's great to hear.

Dad: So, when are you going to marry one?

You chuckled as did your dad. It felt good to have this relationship with your father. After those years of staying away, you felt like you covered some major ground. Plus, you were getting better mentally.

Dad: How have those sessions been going?

Y/N: Good. Doc said that I'm significantly better than when I started.

Dad: Any more flashbacks?

You shrugged.

Y/N: Here and there. But, they're few and far between.

Dad: That's good to hear. So if that's not what's wrong, then what's on your mind?

You looked at him confused while he kept his attention forward.

Dad: Don't even try to lie to me, boy. I know when you're bothered by something.

You sighed as you turned forward.

Y/N: Well, a lot has happened recently. Between getting stabbed earlier in the year, the album, and, uh, Totoro, I haven't really had a lot of time to think about stuff.

Dad: Like what?

Y/N: Like, who am I going to marry.

Your dad looked at you. He stared at you for a moment before he nodded.

Dad: Your mom said something to me once.

You looked at him as he stroked his mustache.

Dad: She said, "I wish I live long enough to see my two children start families of their own."

He then turned back to you.

Dad: I told her to let you both grow up first. Looks like you finally did.

You smiled a bit before you lowered your head.

Dad: Marriage is a very important thing, Y/N. It's a union between two people who love each other.

Y/N: Didn't people use to marry each other just cause the husband could give the bride's father a fat pig?

Dad: You know what I mean, smart-ass.

You shrugged.

Dad: The girls all love you. And they will accept the choice you make in the end. And we will all support you no matter what.

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