The Album

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You splashed the water to your face before you let out a sigh. You grabbed some paper towels and dried yourself off before you threw them away.

You left the bathroom and headed back down the hall towards the studio.

It has been a week since you lost Totoro and things were back in full effect. Everyone was hit with the news pretty hard and the Guinea Pigs were all now very depressed.

But everyone was pushing forward.

Speaking of which.....

Akali: Murder business, where my blazer? I got all the boys on me. I got all the lines on ring. Knock 'em dead, turning heads. I got all the eyes on me.

You entered the studio and found the girls all watching Akali as she rapped in the booth. You took your seat on the couch and looked over to where the Guinea Pigs were.

They were all watching the girl, but they didn't seem very interested.

Akali continued on while you just nodded along to the music. You pulled out your phone and looked at the text Jinx had sent you.

Jinx: Hey, I'm not supposed to do this, but look at this.

She sent you a picture and you looked at it. It was a costume that you immediately recognized.

Y/N: Is that the Commando uniform from the Krata Wars?!

Jinx: YES!

You got super excited which Kai'sa noticed.

You were smiling.
Ahri: Shouldn't we be trying to....

Y/N: No costumes until we have the songs!

Ahri: Why do you hate me?!

Y/N: Cause you're annoying!

The girls watched as you and Ahri argued about what to do next.

Eve: We haven't even finished recording the first song.

Kai'sa: This is actually impressive.

Ahri: Love me!
Y/N: So, when we bring Seraphine in, you all have to be on your best behavior.

The girls all looked at you confused.

Eve: Why?

Y/N: Because she's a nice girl who doesn't need to be corrupted by you bozos.

Akali: But she's the youngest one now! Why can't we corrupt her?

You shot her a look.

Y/N: Because you're suppose to be role models.

Eve: This is bullshit.

Y/N: Be nice.

The girls all groaned.
Y/N: And this is the studio.

You lead Seraphine into the room but you immediately froze when you and Seraphine saw what the girls had done.

Eve: Oh, hello.

They were all in their underwear and they all had beer bottles. You just stood there stone faced while Seraphine's face grew bright red.

Seraphine: Uh....uh....I....

Akali: Well, what are you waiting for? Take it off. Take it off.

KDA: Take it off. Take it off. Take it off.

Seraphine stood there awkwardly for a moment before she slowly reached down and started to lift her shirt up, but you quickly pushed her hands back down.

The Manager Season 3 (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now