The Nursing

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Totoro: <Meow>

You petted the cat as you entered the apartment.

Y/N: I'm all good, buddy. Just a bit sore.

Jinx: That's considerate, you know, since you were stabbed.

You just laughed awkwardly as she set the bag of groceries on your counter.

It's been a week since you were stabbed.


A week.

And against all objections from the girls, you checked yourself out of the hospital and decided to rest at your apartment to further recover.

Your stitches were still fresh and even the doctors told you to rest until you had fully recovered.

What did they know?

You were the veteran here.

Jinx: Dude, you should go rest. Me and Zoe can handle making dinner.

Y/N: I've already told you, Jinx. You and Zoe don't have to stay here. Besides, I don't even have a place for you guys to stay. This is kinda a one bed room apartment. Plus the couch isn't big enough for you both.

Jinx: Correction. Zoe is the only one staying here. I have to head back to Noxus for the next shoot. We're filing the Xorg fight.

Oh! You liked that scene as a kid.

Y/N: Cool. But Zoe doesn't need to stay, either. I'm sure she would rather be with you.

Jinx: Nah. She's been cooped up with me in our apartment for months now. This would be a good change of pace for her.

Jinx started to put the groceries away before there was a knock on the door. Totoro lifted his head as Jinx walked over and opened it.

Seraphine: Hel-oh. Um. Sorry. I think this is the wrong apartment. By any chance, do you happen to know where Cat Guy is. I mean, uh, Y/N?

Jinx looked over her shoulder at you as you looked over to see who it was.

Y/N: Oh. Hey, Seraphine.

Seraphine looked over Jinx and spotted you. She waved with a smile. Looks like she had something with her.

Seraphine: Hello, Y/N. So, is this Totoro's mom? She looks familiar.

You got up, with a groan, and walked over to the door.

Jinx: Who? Me? No. I'm a taco girl.

Seraphine: A taco....huh?

Y/N: She's gay.

You gently pushed Jinx's head so that she was out of the way.

Y/N: This is my friend. Jinx.

Seraphine's eyes grew wide as she looked at her.

Seraphine: Jinx? As in....

Jinx: Captain of the Morningstar? Yep. That's me.

Seraphine: Woah. That's so cool. I never knew that you knew anyone famous?

Jinx looked at you and started to laugh. You just shooed her away but groaned again. Seraphine noticed you grab your stomach.

Seraphine: You okay?

Y/N: Yeah. I just, uh, got out of the hospital recently.

Seraphine: Oh my God. What happened?

You just shrugged.

Y/N: Nothing I can't handle. So, to what do I owe the pleasure, kid?

Seraphine snapped out of her worry and held up a plastic container. You slowly took it as you and Totoro looked at it curiously.

The Manager Season 3 (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now