The Pretenders

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You and Kai'sa stood together in front of an apartment door.

Kai'sa: I didn't get to meet your neighbor. What's she like?

Y/N: She kinda reminds me of a more nervous Kali. You'll love her.

Kansas smiled and knocked in the door.

Seraphine: One sec!

You and Kai'sa stood there as you heard some things being moved around before the door opened. She looked tired. Her hair was haphazardly tied up and she wore a tee shirt that was tied on the back.

Seraphine: Oh, hello.

Y/N: Hey, kiddo. Got something of yours.

Kai'sa held out her plastic container and Seraphine's eyes grew wide.

Seraphine: Kai'sa is holding my cookie box.

Kai'sa: It's nice to meet you, Seraphine. My husband has been telling me a lot about you.

Seraphine: She knows my name!

She blinked then realized something.

Seraphine: Did you just say husband?

You looked at Kai'sa and she simply smirked. You already knew what she was thinking.

Your move.

Y/N: Yep. My lovely wife here was so excited to meet you.

The game continued.

Seraphine looked at you, then at Kai'sa, then at you, then at Kai'sa.

She then grabbed your shirt and pulled you into her apartment.

Kai'sa stood there confused.

Seraphine: Okay, seriously, who the hell are you?!

Y/N: Uh, I'm your neighbor. The Cat Guy.

Seraphine: No. I mean y-you know KDA. You grew up with Ahri and Jinx. Your cat mom is the Ahri! And now I find out that you and Kai'sa are married?! The next thing you'll tell me is that you slept with the group.

You stood there blankly for a moment. Seraphine's eyes grew wide.

Seraphine: Have you?

Y/N: Well....

Seraphine: Have you?!

Y/N: Y-Yes. I have.

Seraphine grabbed your shirt and pulled you down to her eye level.

Seraphine: You've slept with every KDA member?

Y/N: Y-Yeah.

Seraphine: What about Jinx?! I thought she was gay!

Y/N: Ew!

You pulled away and gagged at the notion.

Y/N: Hell no! Jinx is my best friend! We served together!

Seraphine: Sorry! It's just....who are you?!

You smiled a bit.

Y/N: You really want to know?

Seraphine nodded. You signaled for her to get closer which she did. You then leaned down and whispered in her ear.

Y/N: I'm KDA's manager.

Seraphine backed up with wide eyes. She covered her mouth at the news.

Seraphine: Y-Y-Y-You're their manager?! I've been talking to KDA's manager?

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