The Alternate Ending

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Darius: Everyone stop what your doing!

You looked up from your bag confused. The capatin walked into the room where you and the rest of the squad were all packing for your next mission.

Ezreal: Why? Oh God. Are you going to make us run again?

Darius: No. The mission isn't going through.

You raised a brow and looked over to Jinx and Rell. Why weren't you notified earlier? You had the Intel and the gear.

Graves: Any particular reason?

Darius: Intel is no good. Something was mistranslated.

Ezreal: Well, great. Everyone pack it up. We're going home.

Darius: We are, actually.

Everyone stopped and looked at the captain. He crossed his arms with a smile.

Darius: We have a few weddings to attend.

You and Rell looked at each other and smiled.

In another world, at another time, you never lost your family. You never suffered what came after. You were able to live the life that you had waited so long for.

You fixed your bowtie in the mirror before you looked back at your groomsmen.

Ezreal: Gonna get fucked up~

Graves: We better. Won't be a good military wedding if we don't.

Rakan: Shots and cigars? This is what it's about.

You rolled your eyes at your friend's antics.

Ezreal: But, we have to make a toast, first.

He held out a drink towards you. You looked at it for a moment before you took it.

Ezreal: To Y/N, my best friend and brother. Today, he finally gets married to the firey woman we all know and love!

Rakan/Graves: Cheers!

Y/N: Cheers.

You all cheered and took the shots.

About an hour later, you were at the alter waiting for Rell to enter the church. She had talked you into finally reconnecting with your family so you did get to finally meet your brother in law and your niece. You feel in love with them instantly.

But, seeing Elizabeth and your dad again felt so surreal. But you were glad that Rell pushed you to talk to them again. It was nice to be able to smile with them once more.

All chatter came to a halt as the doors opened and the piano started playing. You looked up and watched as Rell walked down the aisle with her father.

She looked absolutely....stunning.

This woman was going to be your wife in just a few moments.

Your heart raced as you smiled.

Her father escorted her to the alter and she kissed his cheek. He nodded to you which you returned before he took his seat by his wife.

Rell: Hey, hotstuff.

Y/N: You're one to talk. I love the dress.

Rell: Thanks. Jinx actually helped me pick it out.

You looked past her and at your friend who simply gave you a thumbs up.

The ceremony was quick but you did say your vows as did Rell. And when it came time, you both said "I do."

And so, your life with Rell finally started.

You and Rell ended up moving into a home back at your hometown to be closer to your father and the farm. Rell's idea, actually.

It was therapeutic to work on the land like you did when you were a child. You father loved Rell as a daughter in law and embraced her as family.

You both decided to not try for kids, but neither of you rejected the idea should it happen.

You both attended therapy for the things you had seen in war but your biggest source of comfort was her.

But, what really changed things was when you got a knock on your door.

It was a Tuesday morning when you heard someone drive up to the house. You lifted your head from the newspaper and looked at Rell.

Y/N: Are we expecting anyone?

Rell shook her head. You and her both looked over to the door as someone knocked on it. You got up and walked over to it before you opened it.

Y/N: Hel...oh.

Standing there was someone you hadn't seen in years. Since you were still in highschool.

Ahri: Hey, uh, Y/N. Long time no see, huh?

She had three other girls with her, one you recognized as the famous Diva Evelynn. You all sat in the living room as she pitched you an idea for something she longed to create.

She told you that you were the one who told her what you truly thought back when she was still an ignorant child in the spotlight.

She was going to make a group, and they needed a manager.

The girls themselves were all very kind and ambitious, which you admired, but you didn't think you were the right person for the job.

You knew nothing about the industry, after all.

But you wished them luck and you promised to show your support. Rell respected your decision and even invited the girls to stay for dinner.

They did eventually find a manager they could trust and started their career as KDA. They also became good friends of yours and Rell's.

But, you were just happy to have a life with Rell. The happiness you both brought each other. The life that you both lived.

And, by some kind of miracle, the child that Rell ended up having. A baby boy who you and her named after your father.

And now, you leaned against the railing of your porch with a cigarette in your hand as you looked out at the field before you.

Rell: Hey.

You looked over your shoulder and found your wife standing there with your son in her arms. You flicked your cigarette away as she walked over to you.

Y/N: Hey. You finally got him asleep?

Rell looked down at the sleeping baby with a smile.

Rell: Yeah, finally. I think we can finally sleep tonight.

You chuckled as you kissed your wife.

You were happy. More so than you had been in years before you met her. You had a family, both blood and bond.

You wouldn't have it any other way.

Ending #6: True Ending

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