The Ninja Ending

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Akali: Yo!

You looked at the younger girl and noticed that she was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a loose t-shirt. Were those....her pajamas?

Mini Jinx: <Meow>

Akali looked at the cat and smiled.

Akali: Is that a baby Totoro?! Awww~

She snatched the cat off your shoulder and held it like a teddy bear which made Mini Jinx's eyes grow wide.

Mini Jinx: <Meow? Meow!>

Y/N: Uh...

Akali walked into your apartment and you stood there for a moment. You shook your head and closed the door before you followed her to the living room. Mini Jinx escaped from Akali and rushed off to the scratching post.

Akali: I love her.

Y/N: Yeah, she's pretty cool. You want anything to drink?

Akali: Nah. So, why'd you call me over so late? Is this a booty call?

Y/N: No...

Akali: I'm not wearing my cute underwear.

Y/N: Akali, no. It's not that.

Akali: Oh.

She sat down.

Akali: So what's up?

You sat down next to her and she scooted over to be right next to you.

Y/N: Well....I wanted to talk to you.

Akali nodded to show that she followed.

Y/N: do I say this?

Akali: Hopefully with words.

You chuckled a bit.

Y/N: Yeah, well, I don't know the right words so I guess I'll just say it.

You turned to face her and she noticed the look on your face. This was serious time.

Y/N: You're younger than me. Because of that, I was always so hesitant to even think of being in a relationship with you. But I realize now that that was wrong of me.

Akali slowly sat up.

Y/N: You're a young woman who's gone and paved a path for herself. And over the three years I've known you for, you've grown so much.

Akali: Oh, uh, thank you.

Y/N: And, I was able to actually get to know you as a person.'re incredible.

Akali blushed a bit. She had no idea what was going on but she wasn't about to stop you.

Y/N: You're funny, and caring, and you're so damn ambitious. I love it.

You then looked at her.

Y/N: And I love you.

Akali stared at you for a moment in silence. You looked at her a bit worried before you waved a hand in front of her face.

Y/N: Uh, Kali? You okay?

Akali: D-Did you j-just s-say that you l-l-l-love me?!

Y/N: Um, yeah.

Instead of saying anything, she jumped on you and tackled you to the floor. She hugged you tightly as she buried her face in your chest.

Y/N: Kali?!

Akali: Hennsbsnenmsnskns!

You looked down at her confused.

Y/N: What?

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