The Diva

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You rubbed the silk cloth with your thumb while Eve laid under the blankets. After that....experience, you were let with your thoughts while Eve slept.

Was this really okay? You felt like you were playing a game with these girls.

Growing up, you would never imagine being the kind of person you were now.

Y/N: And honestly, I'm disappointed.

You looked up and found the younger you sitting against the wall. You stared at him for a moment before you sighed.

Of course this would happen right now. You were under stress and these things happened when you were bothered by something.

Y/N: And why do you think you're stressed?

You opened your eyes and looked at yourself.

Y/N: Is it because you know how horrible this is?

Y/N: No.

Y/N: Cause it is. What do you think this is? One of those harem animes?

Y/N: It's not like that.

Y/N: It seems like it is. Grow up already.

Y/N: I am grown. I....I have grown.

Y/N: Then why are you here? You're nearly 30 and you're still running around like a damn horny teenager.

Y/N: Shut up.

Y/N: You said that I was your greatest fear. Looks like it came true.

You slowly looked up but you were alone. You slowly lifted your hands to your head and let out a sigh. He was right.

Eve: Hm?

You looked over your shoulder to find Eve turning to look at you. Her eyes were half open when she finally posted herself up on her elbows.

Eve: You okay?

You must've woken her up. You tossed the piece of silk on the nightstand and ran your hand through your hair.

Y/N: Yeah. Just.....conflicted.

Eve sat up, holding the blanket against her chest to cover herself, and slowly reached out to you.

Eve: Anything you want to talk about?

Was it something you wanted to talk about? You felt her hand gently grip your shoulder. If you had learned anything from your therapy sessions, it was that you needed to speak about your problems more.

Y/N: I don't know what to do.

Eve looked at you confused as you moved to look at her.

Eve: About what?

Y/N: This. All of this. I....I can't just keep dating all of you like this. It's not right.

You looked down at your hands while Eve moved to get closer to you.

Eve: Right. Kai'sa did say something about that. You're thinking about the future.

Y/N: Kinda. I want to eventually get married. Have a kid. Buy a house. You know, live the life I was suppose to. The life I was was....going to.

Eve: With Rell.

You nodded. Eve began to rub your shoulder while you lowered your head. The life you were suppose to live with Rell. That happily ever after.

You suddenly found Eve holding you from behind. She laid her head against your back and you slowly grabbed her arm.

Eve: We know. You're going to choose eventually. Three of us won't get our happy ending with you, but we all came to terms with that.

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