The Diva Ending

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Eve: Hello, darling.

You looked at Eve to see that she was dressed as fashionable as ever. The only thing that stuck out to you was the fact that she wasn't wearing her glasses.

Her golden eyes were in full view.

They were hypnotic.

Mini Jinx: <Meow>

Eve looked at the cat sitting on your shoulder.

Eve: And who's this?

You and Mini Jinx looked at each other.

Y/N: This is Mini Jinx. Totoro's kid. We think.

Mini Jinx: <Meow>

Eve scratched under the cat's chin which made her purr. You stepped aside and let Eve into the apartment before you closed the door behind her.

Eve: So, are we celebrating, cuddling, or did you have something else in mind?

You both walked over to the couch but Eve didn't sit down. You simply slipped your hands into your pockets.

Y/N: None of that. I wanted to talk.

Eve: Talk? Am I in trouble?

Mini Jinx hopped off your shoulder and went off to the scratching post.

Y/N: No. Nothing like that.

Eve: Well that's good news, I suppose. What did you want to talk about?

You took a deep breath and looked at her.

Y/N: You're a direct person, so I'm not going to beat around the bush.

Eve: Much appreciated, by the way.

Y/N: I decided who I was going to chose.

Eve raised a brow before she crossed her arms.

Eve: Have you now?

You nodded.

Y/N: You.

Eve figured as much, but was still slightly surpised. You wouldn't lie about something like this, she knew that much. She just couldn't really believe that you had just said that.

Eve: M-Me?

You nodded.

Y/N: You. It was always going to be you. I just....couldn't see it past my own self guilt.

You closed the gap between you two slightly and gently took her hand.

Y/N: Eve....Evelynn, you're amazing. Your gorgeous and brave and you know what you want and you won't stop until you get it. You're also kind. You love those you hold dear and, yes, you're a nerd.

Eve laughed slightly, but she was still stunned by your words. She could actually feel her heart start to race.

Eve: Y/N...

Y/N: And....I love you.

And that finally did it. Eve buried her face into your chest as she finally broke. She never experienced love from a partner before. Hell, you were the first one she actually got close to in this way. And she was more than happy with the outcome.

You wrapped your arms around her and gently rubbed her back as she cried in your chest.

She just had such an overwhelming barage of feelings wash over her all at once. She was happy, overjoyed, loved, scared, excited.

She felt like a kid again.

Y/N: I love you.

Eve: I-I love y-you too.

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