The Dancer Ending

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Kai'sa: Hey.

You noticed that Kai'sa was dressed in the same clothes as yesterday. Made sense since she probably didn't even sleep last night. Akali had dragged her to the club and partied following the release of the new singles.

Kai'sa was practical. But she was as clean as ever.

Mini Jinx: <Meow?>

Kai'sa looked at the cat and smiled.

Kai'sa: New friend?

You nodded. You moved out of way to let her in. She walked into the apartment and you closed the door behind you. You rubbed the back of your neck as Kai'sa took a seat on the couch before you joined her.

Kai'sa: So, you call for a reason or did you just want to see me?

Y/N: Well, me wanting to see you is actually the reason.

Kai'sa: Oh?

You rubbed your hands together before you turned to her.

Y/N: I...

Kai'sa: Made your choice.

You sat there for a moment before you nodded.

Y/N: Yeah. How did you...

Kai'sa: I know you. You become an open book when someone pays enough attention.

You smiled a bit.

Y/N: Well, yeah. I asked you to come over because, I chose who I wanted to be with.

Kai'sa leaned forward with her fist under her chin.

Kai'sa: And you're not an asshole so I'm guessing you didn't ask me to come here so you could tell me it was one of the others.

Y/N: You're making this a hell of a lot easier than I was expecting this to go.

Kai'sa just smirked.

Kai'sa: Like I said, open book.

You just chuckled.

Y/N: Yeah, well, you're right. I, uh, I picked you. I....kinda always knew it would be you.

Kai'sa: How so?

Y/N: Well, for starters, you were always there for me. You were always someone I could talk to and confined in. When we played pretend like husband and wife, it felt real. Like, it was supposed to be real.

Kai'sa couldn't help but smile at your words.

Y/N: You're beautiful and confident and wise. You....complete me. It sounds cliché, I know, but...

Kai'sa: It's coming from your heart.

She slowly reached out and held your hand.

Kai'sa: That's all I can ever ask for. Cliché or not, it's coming from you. That alone means the world to me.

You looked at her for a brief moment. She was so damn mature and she was just so.....beautiful!

Kai'sa: We made a promise that we would find a family in the group. And, I think it's safe to say that we succeeded. We wouldn't be here without you. You worked so hard and gave so much for us. And you never once gave up.

She sat up and moved closer to you.

Kai'sa: That's what I love about you. No matter what, you push forward and soldier through it. You're brave and kind and you always look out for those you care about.

She placed a hand on your cheek.

Kai'sa: And I'm honored that you chose me. You have no idea how happy that makes me.

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