Chapter 1 Attack On The Mall

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Aloha amigo(Yes I'm bilingual) so basically I'm a HUGE Momo simp and I wanted to show that by making a Momo x Reader fanfic. I hope you enjoy it if you have any suggestions for the story please tell me and sorry for any bad grammar(btw that bilingual this was a joke if you couldn't tell)(Also the video is something I find funny)

Momo POV

My heart was pounding and eyes watering, my hair was all tangled up and one hand clutching my chests, the other over my mouth.

"What am I doing? I'm a hero in training and I have a hero license. I should be helping them fight the villain not hiding in a shop" I thought to myself.

A gazed over to Tsu who was crouching next to me. She gazed back and gave me a supporting smile.

"What do we do? Should we help" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we have hero licenses. Shouldn't we be helping"

"Maybe but we're only still new heroes and we don't have any of our mentors here to guide us. If we did try and help we'd just mess everything up"

"Ok" I replied nervously

(Flashback, Flashback, Flashback)

We were at the mall when the villain attack happened. I was walking around with the girls looking for some new beach clothes because of an excursion to the beach coming up when suddenly a villain attacked.

Everyone around scattered in fear including us girls. Tsu and I ran to a shop embedded into the wall and hid behind the counter.

I saw Mina hiding behind a pot plant but I couldn't find the other girls but I did see some clothes on the floor. "Toru must have taken off her clothes to hide herself" I thought.

(End of flashback)

I looked up to see the villain who was standing on a balcony on the second floor. He was wearing a red cape and a round red mask. He had a white bodysuit with light blue boots and gloves.

Out of no wear the speed hero Mach comes rushing down to the villain as fast as he can punching him in the face. He then speeds around collecting everyone in the surrounding area taking them outside.

Once he brought me outside it dawned on me. "He's not going to be able to see Toru". I hesitatingly run back into the mall.

"MOMO" Tsu screamed.

"What are you doing" Mina shouted.

I was in too much of a rush to say much but turned around slightly and say "I have to save Toru". All they did was stare in horror as I rushed back into the mall.

I wondered around for a while trying to find my way back to where I was hiding. I obviously wasn't as fast as Mach so I couldn't get back immediately.

After about two minutes of running, I finally got back to where I was and looked around for Toru. Her clothes weren't where I saw them so she must have put them back on.

Mach was distracted by the villain so he didn't notice me and neither did the villain, but I didn't want to shout Torus name in fear that I might get their attention.

I didn't have to look long cause I heard a whisper to the left of me.

"Momo what are you doing here?"

"I came back to come get you. I figured that Mach wouldn't be able to save you since he can't see you so I thought I'd come to get you myself"

"Oh, thank you Momo you didn't have to. Come on let's get out of here"

We started to run off when I heard I quite grown coming from the second floor. I started to run off to save the person when Toru shouted "Momo wait".

The villain and Mach turned their heads to see me and Toru. Without hesitation the villain used the piece of concrete he was floating to fly towards us. Mach grabbed us and took us to the second floor.

"Get out of here now I'll hold him off" Mach shouted then ran off punching the villain in the gut.

"Come in let's go" Toru said while pulling my hand.

"No, you go there's someone still here and I need to save them". Toru nodded and ran off to the exit.

I wondered around a bit and found a young boy about my age lying on the ground unconscious. I picked him up and ran back to the exit when suddenly the villain ran up behind me.

I panicked and created a blade coming out of my back that stabbed them in the face. The villain backed off wincing in pain "You pest" the villain said angrily.

As the villain leapt for another attack Mach grabbed the villain and slammed him into the ground. "RUN" Mach shouted.

I ran and ran as fast as I could my arms weak and legs tired when I suddenly had a thought. I put down then boy and ripped open my shirt and started to create something.

When I was done I placed the boy on the thing I created and ran as fast as I could and started to catch up to Toru.

Toru POV

I kept on running as fast as I could. I could only just see the exit which made me run faster giving me hope I might make it.

My smile was wide, so wide that it was starting to hurt my face. I then heard I strange squeaking noise behind me. I turned my head to see Momo wheeling a boy who was passed out in a wheelchair.

My mouth was now open wide with shock. They even started to catch up with me. My face slowly turned back into a grin as a kept on running to the exit which wasn't that far away now.

Momo POV

Once we reached the exit a mall cop was asking if everyone was ok. "QUICK GET AN AMBULANCE" I screamed.

"MOMO" the girls shouted jumping with joy. I laid the boy down on the floor as he opened his eyes slightly and stared at me.

"You're gonna be alright" I said while the boy closed his eyes again drifting back into unconsciousness.

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