Chapter 5 Hello Momo

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Momo POV

"Oh hello there, you must be the girl that saved me" he said to me.

His voice was so soft and gentle, like a dove singing in the trees. His hair was neatly brushed and his beautiful brown eyes were glistening at me. Although some people may consider brown eyes plan or boring, I think they represent their personality traits well. Although I've never talked to this boy before I could tell he was a kind and humble boy.

(I'm totally not saying that because I have brown eyes and wish they weren't)

I must have just been staring at him for some time while thinking because he said to me "Um... hello?".

"Oh sorry I just got lost in my own thoughts. Yes I am the girl that saved you, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu. It's a pleasure to meet you".

"No no the pleasure is all mine. I've never met a real hero before, even if you are still in training".

I blushed slightly and twirled around my hair in between my fingers saying "Oh thank you, I try my best".

"Anyways my name is (F/N) (L/N). If I may ask, why have you come to visit me?" He asked.

"Oh well ever since I saved you I-" I paused trying to get my thoughts all together. "I guess I just feel like I need to protect you" I continued.

He put down the yogurt and spoon he was holding onto the side table next to him. "Thank you very much, it's nice to think that someone cares about me. To tell you the truth, everyone is afraid of me" he said while balling his hand into a fist.

He looked up at me giving me a very sad look. "But I guess with such a dangerous Quirk that I can't control it's no wonder".

I looked at him with pity. "May I?" I said gesturing to the bed.

"Yes of course".

I sat down on his bed next to his knees and asked "By the way, I've been meaning to ask, what is your Quirk? How does it work?".

He looked down at his balled-up fist saying "To tell you the truth I don't actually know, my parents died before I could get any Quirk tests done, and I guess they don't give out free tests to people on the streets. No matter there age".

His face went dull and his hand started to slowly uncurl and rest onto his lap.

My face was also saddened after hearing his tragic past, so I decided not to inveterate any further. Besides I was a stranger to him, it would be foolish to think he would open up to a complete stranger. It was a miracle that he had opened up this much already.

I decided to change the topic to interests and hobbies. We had a nice chat about things he liked to do and movies he liked etc.


Talking to this girl was amazing. She made me feel really calm and relaxed. We didn't talk about much, just my interests, her interests, what it's like to be a hero in training all that stuff.

"So how long have you liked Hero's?" She asked.

"Well, I guess I've liked them as long as I can remember I use to play with Action figures of some of my favourite hero-".

I cut myself off remember what happened. I stared down at my hands that were resting in my lap.

"Is everything alright?" She asked snapping me out of my trance.

"I yes sorry I was just... It's nothing".

She gave me a pitiful look as she giggled. "It's alright. You don't have to tell me".

I smiled at her nodding my head. She was so kind and understanding. Maybe one of the nicest girls in the world.

We continued to talk until a rugged looking man came into the room

"Yaoyorozu it's time to go" the man said.

"Oh really? That's a shame, I guess I'll see you later (Y/N)" said Momo.

"Uh yeah see you later".

As they are walking out the man turned around and said "I'm Eraserhead by the way, I'm Yaoyorozu's teacher".

"Oh uh it's nice to meet you sir" I replied awkwardly. Although he seemed like a nice man he was scary. And I guess my Social anxiety wouldn't help with that.

I laid down back on my bed and sighed happily. "Good job (Y/N)" I whispered to myself.

I laid there for a while thoughts spinning about Momo. About how kind and pretty she was, about how well I did taking to her even though she was a complete stranger. I could almost imagine myself brushing my hands through her soft ponytail hair.

I pulled myself and leaned over to my bag that was sitting on the floor. I zipped that bag open and pulled out a brown teddy bear.

My teddy bear was very old and rugged. His left eye was gone and had the fabric had been stitched back together where the eye was. The other black button eye was scratched and had a chip missing. There were hundreds of stitched lines and its right ear was cut off about half why with fluff popping out.

I lifted the teddy and hugged it close to my heart. My arms surrounding the teddy bear embracing it tightly. I continued to hug the bear as a single tear rolled down my cheek as I whispered "I'm so, so sorry".

Hey guys and gals I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry that I've been slack with writing, mental health and stuff. But I should be back writer my fanfics 'n' stuff. Also btw I have a Twitter now, I've actually had it for a while I just my kept on forgetting to promote it so yeah go follow me on Twitter @MakaiTheWriter anyways I won't bother you anymore BYYYYYYE.

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