Chapter 17|Safe Space

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(Y/N) POV:

I continued to slouch behind the large piece of debris, with Momo still passed out on top of me. The blood in my veins pumped faster, adrenaline fuelling me to stay awake.

"Did I really just do that? Did I really just use my quirk like that?" I thought to myself. My mind was trying to catch up with my body, instinct still overbearing reality.

However, my frantic thoughts suddenly snapped back to reality, as I felt an agonising pain spike through every inch of my body. My back felt like it was being repeatedly stabbed with knives. The gash on my head started throbbing with pain, as I felt the slight drip of blood trickle down my cheek.

My thoughts now focused on what had happened, I mustered all my strength to peek around the debris. Searching the battlefield for any possible source of pain, I found nothing but an ongoing battle.

Looking down I noticed that the cuts on my arms had turned into small gashes, starting to seep with more blood. I let out a small cough as blood erupted from my throat, that sprayed across the rubble below.

"What's happening?"

Glancing up at the battlefield, I spotted a hero tackling a villain to the ground. He looked towards me with a crazed smile sprawled across his face. Then out of nowhere, the villain melted into a puff of smoke.

That was the last thing I saw before the unsettling feeling of darkness overcame me. Only one thing on my mind before I blacked out. "Who was that?"

My mind went foggy after the events at the arcade. I dipped in and out of consciousness while I was being transferred to a local hospital. Only seeing glimpses of the following few days.

Red and blue flashing lights, blaring ambulance sirens, the bumps of a vehicle rushing to its destination. All but a distant thought that lingered in an empty darkness. Until the darkness began fading, and a dim white light seeped into my mind.

My vision started off hazy. It was hard to point things out, and I could only notice the faint glow of a light in my peripheral vision. The soft sound of beeping emanated around me, only disturbed by the sound of quiet movement coming from the light.

My body felt numb. I could barely move an inch with how numb I felt. Although this numbness only slightly masked the feeling of pain riddled across my body.

I laid there in a plush and comforting hospital bed. My vision started to gradually clear, and I made out that the light I saw was in the hallway adjacent to my hospital room. However, the rest of my surroundings were in total darkness. The light from the hallway only lets me see basic shapes and outlines.

I'm in a single hospital room. Not too different to the one I stayed in the other week or so. Or at least I think that was a week ago, I'm only assuming since I can't tell how long I was out for.

The room had various hospital equipment around my bed, with wires and tubes connecting me to them. Some lounge chairs dotted around the room, a table and chair in one corner, and a TV hanging on the wall across from me.

I also saw the outline of a closed curtain, which I presumed had a window on the other side. To my right was a small wall clock, but I couldn't make out the time, either because of the darkness or because of how dazed I felt.

But it didn't matter that I couldn't read the clock. With the context clues around me, I could tell it was night-time. "What an unfortunate time to wake up," was the only thought I could muster.

I sat there for an undetermined amount of time. It felt both like hours and minutes I was laying there motionlessly. Until I could sense I slight rustling on my arm.

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