Chapter 15|Escape Route

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Content Warning!!! This chapter contains mentions of death and similar things that may be disturbing to some readers. Read at you're own discretion.

Momo POV:

Before I could begin to comprehend the situation the floor beneath me had begun to give way, and I fell into the floor below.

While sliding down the debris my thoughts span with ideas. "Come on Momo think!" I yelled at myself.

Pink and blue sparkling light started to emanate from both my arms as I started to create strands of hay.

Kaminari and I landed in a large pile of hay on the ground floor. Kaminari made a loud grunt sound as he landed.

"Wait what's all this hay doing here?" He said while grasping clumps of the hay.

"Sorry if the landing was a bit rough, I couldn't think of anything else," I replied.

"Oh wow Momo, that was quick thinking!"

Another loud rumble echoed through the now-destroyed arcade. Shaking the ground and more rubble started to fall around us.

"We need to find the others and evacuate the building of any bystanders," I say confidently.

"Shouldn't we be helping fight? There is obviously a villain around so we should beat them up, right?" Kaminari said nervously.

"Not so. Remember Kaminari we only have provisional hero licenses, we should leave any possible villains to the pros. I'm sure there will be a couple arriving soon."

"Yeah I guess," he said blankly.

I started scanning the area around us hoping to find anyone from our group, or even our class. But with the sounds of the crumbling building and the rubble surrounding us, it was hard to find anyone. The only signs of people were the cries and pleas for help from the civilians.

"Momo, there you are!" I heard Jiro shout out to me. "We have a problem," her voice continued.

I looked over to see Jiro and Tokoyami running towards us with (Y/N)'s unconscious body held in dark shadows arms.

A worried and shocked gasp escaped from my mouth as Kaminari and I ran over to the others.

"Oh no no no no, is he okay? What happened?" I asked frantically, looking down at his injured body. His head had a stream of blood running down his cheek, and he had a couple of shallow gashes across his arms and legs.

"He seems stable for now, we found him passed out amongst the debris," said Tokoyami.

"We think he hit his head while he was falling. Nothing seems broken but he's got a deep gash across his forehead," said Jiro.

I started to create some bandages with my quirk and wrap it around his head, trying to stop the blood flow.

"We need to get him out of here immediately. He needs to get to a doctor as soon as possible."

"My phone isn't broken so I'll call an ambulance," said Jiro.

"Get the police while you're at it," I said while tying the bandages on tight enough it wouldn't fall off his head.

"We should try and get anyone else out as well while we're at out," said Tokoyami.

I agreed and started looking around to find a safe escape route. I left (Y/N) to dark shadow since he can lift him much easier than me.

"Ok, the police and ambulance are on their way. We just to find a way out of this place now," said Jiro as she rejoined our group.

"Alright, let's try and get out of here," I said as we started making our way through the arcade.

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