Chapter 8|New Beginnings, Old Scars

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Why hello there, I hope everyone has been enjoying this story so far. I think it's been doing pretty good. I don't really have much to say except I hope you enjoy and on with the show.

(Y/N) POV:

I slowly rode down the elevator to the common area. It was 1 in the afternoon so I was pretty hungry, although I'm used to not eating for long periods of time.

A few moments later I found myself walking out of the elevator and into the common area. Looking around I saw about 10 people in the room, some eating and others just relaxing. Two people that stood out to me was a boy with red and white hair. And a girl with pink skin and yellow horn things.

I've seen a lot of strange-looking people from my times on the streets, but you never get used to it. As I looked around more I noticed that it felt very empty. The guy with a bird head and the other guy with 6 arms weren't there, and so weren't a few others.

Momo pocked her head around the corner smiling brightly when she saw me.

"All done with settling in?" Momo asked joyfully.

"Yeah, to be fair there wasn't much to organise." I muttered awkwardly.

Momo giggled slightly. It sounded as joyful as a baby laughing.

A tall and muscular guy walked up to me asking "Would you like some cake?"

"Uh sure, thanks. What was your name again? Please forgive me I'm not very good with names."

"Oh, my name's Sato."

"Hi Sato, I'd love to have some cake."

I was expecting Sato to pull out a cake from their fridge but he started sprinting up to his room saying. "I'll start baking it now."

I was caught a bit off guard "He's a baker." I thought to myself. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover after all.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a tug of my hand. Momo started to pull me to the living room and sat me on the couch.

Looking around I noticed there seemed to be floating clothes. I knew it was a person since she introduced herself earlier but it was still weird seeing flying clothes.

Momo plopped herself next to me as Uraraka asked "So what do you like to do for fun?"

Looking around nervously I noticed that I wasn't just surrounded by anyone. I was surrounded by six girls who are probably very nosy.

Seeing that I was basically at a slumber party I got very flustered. As much as I tried to hide it I could feel my red hot face getting a warning with each second.

"Fun? Um, I'm not really sure." I answered stuttering constantly.

Noticing my nervousness stutters Momo piped up saying "Oh right, he's lived in the streets for most of his life."

"Really? I'm so sorry to hear that." Said the invisible girl.

Looking at the living ghost I couldn't help but chuckle awkwardly. But after processing her questions I remembered what it was like.

"Kinda. I've been in the streets for so long that I feel a strange comfort there. Not that you guys aren't nice to be around or anything."

"If I may ask, why were you on the streets?" Todoroki asked.

An awkwardly tense silence began to feel the room. It was so tense I felt like I was suffocating in it. Until I realised it wasn't the awkwardness, but the memories.

The memories of hot flames, burning oil, the smell of burnt rubber, and even the coldness of the concrete road. Although it was so long ago it still plays inside my brain over and over again like a broken record.

I heard one of the girls speaking but it was muffled by all of the pressure and guilt I felt. All of the bad memories coming back like they did every single day of my life.

As if someone in my own mind was torturing me by playing my worst memories in my mind over and over again. Still so vivid and real.

"Y/N?" Momo asked worryingly as she gently placed her hand on mine.

Being snapped back to reality I found myself shooting out of my seat and running away. I couldn't stop myself, my body moved on its own with no care for what I wanted.

As I ran for my life even though I wasn't in danger. I heard voices calling my name in distress. But I didn't stop, as much as I wanted to I kept going.

Zooming past Mr Aizawa who was walking into our dorms I jumped past the stairs landing on the ground. As I landed I tripped on my ankle and fell onto my face.

Getting back to my knees I crumbled into a ball and burst into tears. Trembling while holding my arms tight.

Momo POV:

Running up to (Y/N) who was kneeling on the pavement bawling his eyes out. Mr Aizawa was kneeling next to him trying to comfort (Y/N), but I could tell Mr Aizawa was panicking and didn't know what to do.

All the other girls, Midoriya and Iida all approached him.

"What happened?!" Aizawa frantically shouted.

"We were just talking to him and we asked him why he lived on the streets and then he went blank and ran off." Replied Toru.

After Toru finished we all saw his powerful quirk at play. The ground began to quake and crack. And the nearby trees and flowers began to tear apart and turn to dust.

Mr Aizawas's eyes started to glow as the tremoring stopped and (Y/N) fell to the ground unconscious.

"Th-that was his quirk?" Iida said trembling in fear.

"It seems so." Replied Mr Aizawa.

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