Chapter 12|Baby Steps

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(Y/N) POV:

The days slowly passed by while I rested up and settled into my new home. The teachers slowly introduced themselves to me to not overwhelm me, which I appreciate.

There was a strange feeling in the air while I was around. On the one hand, when I was around Class 1-A they seemed to be concerned about me and wanted to support me. While on the other hand when I was around other students(As rare as that was) they seemed to be afraid of me, not even wanting to look me in the eyes.

Eventually, the weekend came and everyone was staying in the dorms with me. Although I enjoyed the silence of the empty dorms, it was nice to have some company for a change.

Due to it being the weekend the UA staff had time to help me with my quirk. I was taken to one of the empty gymnasiums where my training began.

"Now (Y/N), because of your current age your quirk could be very dangerous. Usually, quirk training starts at a young age before the users quirk has had time to get stronger. But you obviously haven't had any training, so we need to be extra careful," Cementoss explains.

"Now from what you've described to us and what we could gather from the hospital, you seem to have some sort of disintegration quirk. This too makes it very dangerous, but we can guarantee you we can get through this as a team," says Principal Nezu.

"I know my quirk is dangerous. And that's why I need to learn to control it," I say.

"That's the spirit!" Principal Nezu exclaims.

"Now first of all we need to see how your quirk is activated. We'll start this exercise by giving you an apple. I want you to touch and feel the apple, and see if you can focus on destroying it," Mr Aizawa explains.

He puts down an apple on the table in front of me, I picked it up and I start to feel it and focus on it. As I rub the apple while my eyes are closed I start to notice something. I can feel the apple but not just because I'm touching it. I can feel it like I'm inside it, or even a part of it.

"I can feel it or, sense it."

"Now, try and destroy it," says Mr Aizawa.

At his command, I focused on the apple as hard as I could and slowly started to rip it apart, in a way like I'm tearing it away from reality. The apple slowly starts to turn to dust as I focus and breathe.

What was an apple was not a pile of dust in my hand starting to sprinkle over the table. Looking up to the few teachers surrounding me I noticed a mixed reception of my quirk.

Principle Nezu looks proud of me, something I don't see much but could definitely get used to.

Mr Aizawa seems as stone-cold as ever. But from the brief time I've been here, I know that's pretty normal.

Cementoss seems shocked, but mostly impressed with my contort, little that is.

Finally, Miss Midnight who stands a little further away from us had an all too familiar face. A face of terror.

"Well, that was certainly efficient," says Miss Midnight.

"Yes indeed! Very well done young (Y/N). It seems you may have more control over your quirk than you thought," exclaims Principal Nezu.

"You mentioned you could sense the apple. How did it feel when you destroyed it?" Mr Aizawa asked.

"It's hard to explain, but it almost feels like I was a part of it. And then when I destroyed it, it felt like I ripped it apart in a way that it never existed in the first place."

A still silence filled the room. But instead of being the usual tension that is left, there was something else. It was more of a feeling of curiosity, a feeling of deep thought.

"Well, it seems that your quirk may be more complicated than we thought. Especially with that description," says Cementoss.

"I agree, we must do some experimentation," says Principal Nezu.

"Is that really a good idea? Something could go wrong," I say worryingly.

"You have nothing to worry about young (Y/N). It's not an accident I choose these teachers to join us in your training."

As nervous as I am the principal has a point. Both Mr Aizawa and Miss Midnight have ways to immobilise me or my quirk. And Mr Cementoss could easily combat my quirk by making more things to destroy before anything important gets hit.

"Alright," I say with a nervous yet determined nod.

So for the next couple of hours, we trained at strengthening the control of my quirk. It started with simple things, destroying small objects made of different materials to learn the capabilities of my destructive quirk.

And as the sun started to set the teachers sent me back to the dorm. I hoped that everyone had a good day. I knew some of them were going shopping so they probably didn't have to worry about me too much.

Deep in my own thoughts, I didn't even notice the lights turned off in the dorms. Or the whispers muffled by the thick glass windows.

Walking into the dorms the lights turned on suddenly as a loud "SURPRISE" echoed through the night sky.

Looking up from my thoughts I saw all my new friends jumping out of hiding spots with balloons and ribbons decorating the dorm. And a table with presents and food.

"What's all this?" I asked.

Mina popped over to me saying "We wanted to give you a warm welcome to UA."

"We know you've been through a lot. So everyone wanted to make you feel welcome by throwing a party," Uraraka says kindly.

"And also to let you know that we care about you (Y/N)," says Midoriya.

Momo comes up to me and places her soft gentle hand on mine. "I know life's been hard for you. And you might not have had much of a family. So we all wanted to let you know that we're your family now."

Looking around I saw tons of happy smiling faces, all smiling at me. No one running in fear or glancing in disgust. Just true genuine joy.

A small tear slid down my face, followed by a few more. Everyone seemed to grow concerned at my tears.

"Sorry, I just haven't had a party for me in a long time," I say followed by a shining grin.

My new friends and I played games and ate tons of bad food. We laughed together and we shared stories.

Some of them had even bought presents for me. As a housewarming present, I suppose.

The night continued until we all eventually went to bed. Having this party made me feel welcome and at home. And now that I have some control over my quirk, I can't wait to see what is in store for me.

Hi everyone, it's your friendly neighbourhood panda author and MHA nerd. Sorry for not posting the last *checks notes* FOUR MONTHS!!! My god, I'm a terrible author 😢 I feel so bad for everyone. But thanks to everyone for your patience and love for this story. It really means a lot to me.

Also just as a side note HOLY WOAH we've almost reached 10k readers on this story, which is just, what!?!?! 🤯  I can't express enough how crazy this is to me. Thank you so much to all the people who like this silly little hobby of mine. Don't know when the next chapter will be but I'll try not to make it a 4-month wait.

Anyways, thanks again, and I hope you have a lovely day, night or whatever time it is for you.

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