Chapter 14|Day at the Arcade

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(Y/N) POV:

I started making my way to the arcade with Momo and the rest of class 1-A. Since we were such a big group we couldn't take public transport, otherwise we'd take up the whole train. So we all decided to walk there instead.

It was only a twenty-minute walk, and luckily the shining sun mixed with the gentle autumn breeze made for the perfect temperature. Although the dim clouds often covered the sun making the wind feel colder.

"I hope it doesn't rain," said Momo as she looked at the light grey clouds drifting through the sky.

"I think it should be fine," said Jirou from Momo's right as I walked beside Momo on her left.

Denki was walking beside Jirou, he looked over to Momo saying "I usually get sparks when it's about to rain so it's all good," he said with a goofy smile.

"I thought that was only before a thunderstorm?" asked Jirou.

"Oh yeah, it is too!"

"You're such an idiot," Jirou said harshly.

"Why are you so mean to me Jirou?"

"It's not mean if it's the truth."

"Do they always bicker like that?" I whispered to Momo.

"Yes, it happens quite often," she said awkwardly.

"Hey guys, we're here!" Midoriya exclaimed as we all stood in front of a large black building.

The buildings had a large neon sign above the entrance saying The Bit Party. It was a tall three-story building that was filled with various arcade games along with a mini golf course and go-kart track underneath the building.

"Wow, this place looks awesome! Ribbit," Tsu said excitedly.

"Yeah, I've never been able to go because it cost too much money," I said awkwardly.

"Yeah I actually don't have enough money to go in," Uraraka awkwardly admitted.

"Don't worry everyone. I can pay for all the cards! Consider it my treat," Momo exclaimed.

"Thanks Yaomomo!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

With the help of Momo's ridiculous amount of money, we all bought cards to pay for all the games we were going to play.

"So where are we going first?" Mina asked while jumping about.

"I wanna go to the go-kart track. I've never driven a go-kart before," said Midoriya.

"I shall join you Midoriya, although I might have an unfair advantage," Iida said while smugly adjusting his glasses.


"You're own Kacchan!"

"Hey does anyone wanna play the rhythm games?" Asked Sato.

"Ooooh, I wanna play DDR. Gimme an excuse to bust some moves," Mina said while doing rapper gestures.

"Anything with good music is fine with me," said Jirou.

"Fruit ninja here I come!" Said Sero.

One by one everyone formed small groups and started making their way to games they wanted to play. Until it was just me, Momo, Denki, Jirou and Tokoyami left.

"So what sort of games do you guys wanna play?" Asked Tokoyami.

"Oh I'm fine with anything, but something with VR could be cool," said Denki.

"Yeah, those are upstairs, right? That could be fun," said Jirou.

"VR has always been difficult for me to use sadly," said Tokoyami.

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