Chapter 11|Scars Do Fade

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(Y/N) POV:

After I'd finished talking to Principal Nezu I was taken to the class 1-A dorm rooms to relax. After the chat I had with him I got a little better, but a scar takes a long time to fade, and I still wasn't comfortable sharing my secret with others.

I went up to my dorm room to calm myself down as much as I could. I laid on my new bed, quietly listening to my surroundings. The gentle breeze rustling through the trees outside, the gentle creeks of the building, and even my own heartbeat.

To calm myself down I started saying things out loud. Nothing in particular, just anything I could see or hear so I could return to this current moment.

I continued doing this until a sudden thought came to mind. A thought of something that reminded me of that terrible day, yet still made me feel safe.

Leaning over my bed and reaching under it I pulled out the bag I use to carry while on the streets. Zipping the bag open I pulled out the small rugged teddy bear I hadn't seen since I left the hospital.

I gripped it close to my chest like I did after the crash. It strangely made me feel safe. I could never figure out why, it just did.

I laid back down on my bed clutching the bear while continuing to calm myself. I started doing simple things like counting the number of bird chirps and the number of panels on the wooden roof. All to help me calm down, and help my scars fade.

Momo POV:

I was at the final lesson of the day. We were doing some sort of maths, or maybe English, I don't remember. Whatever it was I would usually be a wiz at it but I couldn't stop worrying about (Y/N). And I think I wasn't the only one.

There was a strange aura in the room that seemed almost awkward in a way. Looking around I saw distraught faces on the majority of my classmates. The only real exception is Bakugo, but I'm starting to think he doesn't have any emotions. Even Present Mic who was running the class seemed to have other things on his mind.

As my eyes gazed around the room my line of sight met Todoroki's eyes. He quickly darted his eyes back to the front to pay attention. I thought nothing over. He's probably just worried about me since I could tell I looked upset.

"He's such a nice friend," I briefly thought to myself.

The minutes slowly ticked by, seemingly dragging out the more and more I waited for class to finish. But eventually, the bell rang and we were dismissed from class.

I speed walked my way to the teacher's lounge to find (Y/N) and I was directed by Miss Midnight to go back to the dorms. She told me that he had calmed down a bit and he'd gone back to the dorms to rest.

After leaving the UA building I ran to Heights Alliance to check up on him. I hoped he was ok, but if he wasn't I'd be there for him.

As I reached the dorms I spoke with Uraraka to see if anyone had gone too check on (Y/N)

"Yeah, Iida checked on him. He's asleep right now and Iida said not to disturb him," Uraraka said to me softly.

"Ok that's good," I said taking a sigh of relief.

After that, the day slowly ticked by while I did mundane tasks to pass the time. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Nothing too interesting besides some thought-provoking homework that I found interesting.

Eventually, I found myself sitting on the couch in the common area watching some tv with a handful of my classmates. Kaminari flicked through the channels as we all sat there silently, that strange aura from the classroom hadn't faded.

Kaminari switched to the news and stayed there, since there was nothing else on.

"The villain attack at (City Name) mall is still at large, and their identity has not been discovered yet. If anyone has any information please contact your local police," Said the news reporter.

"Wow, they're still talking about that attack at the mall," Kaminari said.

"Well there was a lot of damage, and the villain had a pretty powerful quirk. I'm sure the heroes would want that guy in prison before he can do any more damage," Jirou replied.

"In other news, people have been being mugged by a masked man in the Musutafu area. Victims say that anything the man touched suddenly flew towards his body and stuck to him. The villain has taken many valuable items, especially jewellery, he is still at large."

The TV suddenly dimmed as I looked up to see Kaminari with the remote in his hand, finger over the power button.

"Hey, I was watching that!" Sero said angrily.

They two started to bicker as I giggled at their fighting. But I was still extremely worried about (Y/N).

(Y/N) POV:

I slowly drifted back to consciousness as I found myself on my bed, drawls dangling out of my mouth.

"Damn, I must've fallen asleep," I said rubbing my cheek.

As I got up I noticed the teddy bear in my hand. A small smile snuck onto my face as I put the bear back onto my bed and started heading downstairs.

The elevator doors opened to Sero and Kaminari fighting over something that I didn't care about. Among them, we're a few more of Class 1-A sitting there watching the two fight, including Momo.

They all turned their heads after hearing the ding of the elevator.

"(Y/N)!" Momo shouted as she climbed over the couch and ran up to me. She gave me a strong but caring embrace, similar to the one in the halls when I was having a panic attack.

"Are you ok (Y/N)? We were all so worried about you."

At this point, others had started to gather around. Some came from the coach and others poked their heads around the corner from the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine."

"What happened back there? Why did you have a panic attack," Momo asked?

"Oh it was nothing you need to worry about, I'll be fine."

Momo seemed unconvinced but didn't push further.

"Ok, if you say so."

Hey everyone, Pixel here. I'm not sure if this story is consistent or not since I'm too lazy to go check the previous chapters. So please forgive me if there are some inconsistencies.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it and have a good day, night or whatever time it is for you!

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