Chapter 4 Rise

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Momo POV

My eyes slowly flickered open as I heard the quint breeze outside blowing around the autumn leaves. My room was chilly but not freezing, I curled into my blanket and sighed a small breath.

Gazing over to my phone and checking the time I saw it was 6:30. School starts at 8:45 so I have about 2 hours. I rolled over whimpering to myself "5 more minutes".

I heard a soft knock at my door followed by a whisper. "Momo? Are you awake?" I didn't notice the voice at first but I could tell it was a girl.

"Yeah" I groaned.

"Can I come in?" The voice asked.

"Uh sure".

After I replied I heard a quiet creak followed by footsteps coming into my dorm room. I sat up and saw a pink figure walking up to me and sitting on my bed. Although my vision was blurry I could tell it was Mina due to her recognisable pink body and yellow horns.

"Is something that matter?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"Oh everything is fine, I was just wondering. What were you up to yesterday?".

"Can't this wait, it's too early" I said while flopping back on my bed and covering myself with my blanket.

"I guess it could but I couldn't sleep, I needed to know. I couldn't get this thought out of my head".

"What thought" I said while rolling over facing her.

"We're you on a date?" She said while smirking at me.

I jumped up straight and felt myself starting to blush. "Oh no no it's not like that at all. It's just well...".

"Oh, so there is something. Is it a boy?" She said to me while smirking evilly.

"We'll do you remember that boy I saved at the mall?".

"OOOO YEAH YEAH I DO" Mina screamed in excitement.

"Shh shhhh quiet down. People might hear".

She jumped onto my bed belly down and started swaying her legs back and forth.

"Ok come on what did you do, I remember you liked him" she asked.

"Well, I... I might have gone and seen him at the hospital".

"YEAH!!! What was he like? Was he nice?".

"Oh, well he was still unconscious. The doctors said he was too tired but he should wake up soon"

"I bet you can't wait for that to happen".

I started to blush a bright red like a freshly picked tomato. "Oh it would definitely be nice to meet him" I answer while placing my hand on my cheek.

"Well" Mina says while jumping off my bed. "Imma go have some breakfast" she continues.

As she gets off my bed she gazes at my desk and sees an envelope with a pink heart on it.

"What's this? A love letter for him" she asked while smirking at me.

"Oh, that was slipped under my door last night".

"By who?" she asked.

"I don't know. By the time I opened the door they were gone".

"Huh, interesting".

"Well as I said earlier I'm gonna go get some breakfast. I'm having bacon and eggs, want some?".

"Oh yes please".

Mina and I went down to the common room and made some breakfast. It was still pretty early so not many people were up but people slowly woke up and came down for breakfast.

After that I went up to my room and got dressed. As I was getting dressed I gazed over at the letter.

"I'm sorry. Whoever you are" I whispered to myself.

I walked over to UA by myself staring at the ground as I walked. All I could only think about (Y/N). I could only imagine how long I could get lost in his eye.

"Are you ok Yaoyorozu? You seem distracted".

I swung myself around to see Todoroki walking next to Midoiya and Uraraka.

"Oh yes I'm fine, thank you though".

Todoroki looked at me confused, tilting his head. "Uh ok" he said.

"Would you like to walk with us?" Midoiya asked.

"Sure, I would love to".

We walked together up to UA talking about random things. I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation and I was predictably thinking about (Y/N).

We got to our class and there weren't many people there. I sat down in my seat and buried myself in my textbooks.

I suddenly noticed that Todoroki was gazing at me. I gazed back at him and he looked down at his table.

"Oh no. I hope it's not what I'm thinking" I whispered to myself not realising I was talking out loud.

"What was that Yaoyorozu?" Todoroki asked.

"Oh uh, nothing" I replied nervously.

After some time people slowly came into the classroom and eventually, Mr Aizawa came into the classroom as well.

"Right to start off with today we're gonna play a game".

"A game?" everyone said at the same time.

"Yes, a game. We're gonna be testing everyone's hero knowledge" Mr Aizawa said.

Some of us ground while others seemed excited.

"Uh this is gonna be like a quiz isn't it" Kaminari said.

"Yeah this isn't gonna be fun is it?" Mina said.

"I don't know you guys. This sound like fun".

"Of course you would say that Midoiya, you're a hero geek" said Kaminari.

"Well, I uh" Midoiya stuttered.


I giggled slightly at them fighting. Or more Bakugo fighting.

We did the test and it was actually really fun. At times it did feel more like a test than a game but I still enjoyed it. Although it wasn't fun when Mr Aizawa mentioned some really obscure heroes like The Sense Hero Night Owl. And of course Midoiya knew who that was and practically scream "HE'S THE NUMBER 2882nd HERO".

Doing this Game/Test made me feel relaxed and ready for the rest of the day.

After School Mr Aizawa came up to me and asked if I wanted to come with him to the hospital again.

I said yes of course and we went to the hospital to see (Y/N).

After a 20 minute drive to the hospital we got out of the car and walked up to his room.

"I'll go talk to some of the doctors, you can go ahead" he said quietly.

"Yes sir" I replied.

I opened the door to see an amazing sight. The boy was sitting up eating some yogurt.

"Oh hello there, you must be the girl that saved me". He said smiling at me.

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry I've been really bad with realising consistent chapters. I'm planning on doing one chapter of this story every two weeks and in the week in between, I'm gonna realise a chapter of the other story "Do You Love Me" so if you reading both you should get something every week. Emphasis on SHOULD. Also thank you to everyone who has added this story to their reading lists, it means a lot. Anyways I won't hold you any longer BYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!!!

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