Chapter 6 The Next Step

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Two days passed since Momo had come to see me and I have felt different ever since. Feeling like there is still hope in the world.

The doctors had also stopped being scared of me since I wasn't randomly destroying stuff with my quirk. And even on the rare occasion I would Eraserhead was there to cancel out my quirk.

I was woken up by a slight nudge and Instinctively tried to activate my quirk but, luckily Eraserhead erased my quirk before the doctors woke me up.

"Everything's alright (Y/N). The nurses are just doing a regular check-up" said Eraserhead.
His hair flopped down and the red glow of his eyes dulled.

As the doctors and nurses did their check-up on me I muttered nervously to Eraserhead "What's going to happen to me?".

The nurses stopped their check-ups and gazed at each other than at Eraserhead. He sighed a deep breath and said "We're not sure".

The nurses continued their check-up as Eraserhead pulled up a chair.

"Usually we would take people like you to an orphanage but since you have such a dangerous quirk that wouldn't be the best idea. And it would be very irresponsible to let you go back to the streets".

"I see, so I need to take control of my quirk first" I said disappointingly. Eraserhead just signed in dismay. My eyes went dull and flat, not showing any emotion.

"But there is still hope" he said while placing his hand on my shoulder.

"How could there be any hope left" I asked rhetorically.

He took a deep breath and said "It's not finalised but we could do the same thing that we did to a young girl with you".

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

I can't say much since I wouldn't want to get your hopes up but all you need to know is if that doesn't work we are trying everything to give you a better life. People your age don't deserve to be thrown away like garbage".

As he drew back his hand the nurses finished their check-up. I must have had so much anaesthetic in my system because I didn't feel a thing.

They all got up and begun to walk out of my room "Mr Eraserhead sir" I said stopping him in his tracks. "Is there any way I could learn to control my quirk?".

He turned to me and asked "Do you want to be a hero".

"Yes sir".

"Then if you can learn to control your quirk I'm sure you will turn out to be a good hero".

I giggled slightly and said "You really not what people want to hear don't you".

"I don't say what they want to hear. I say what they need to hear".

My flat expression turned into a wide grin. "Aizawa" he said.


"Call me Mr Aizawa".

"Yes Mr Aizawa sir".

As he walked off I rested my head back onto my pillow raising my balled-up fist in front of my face.

I clenched my fist as hard as I could and took in a deep breath then looked over at a nearby lamp. Then extended my hand towards the lamp

"This is a bad idea" I whispered to myself as I activated my quirk. Not only did the lamp disinterest but the table it was resting on and the chair next to the table.

I deactivated my quirk and watched the dust that used to be hospital furniture fall gently to the ground.

I never had the best control of my quirk when it activated but I could stop it unless I was under a lot of stress so this was normal. Although it does take a lot of focus to stop it and the only reason I could stop it so quickly was probably because of how tired I was.

Momo POV

It was late at night when I had started doing homework. I had just finished talking to everyone in the group chat.

Midoiya was doing some sort of prank but I was too tired to care. It sounds harsh but I become a lot meaner when I'm tired.

I was writing away at some simple multiple chose questions when I laid my head on my desk in tiredness.

"I should probably head off to bed" I thought to myself, when I saw an envelope in my piles of impotent papers.

"I don't remember any envelope" I thought to myself.

I slipped it out and saw a white envelope with a pink heart sticker on it. "Oh this, I must have put it there on accident".

I stared at the envelope for what seemed like an eternity, wondering if I should open it.

I think I know who it's from but I still didn't want to open it. I didn't want to disappoint him.

I was smacking my head on my desk softly, so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I felt so divided

Eventually I decided not to open and put it on top of the pile of papers and continued to do my homework.

As I was doing my homework I thought about (Y/N). I wanted to see him again but my training got in the way, to be honest I'm surprised I could see him when I could.

(Time skip to the next morning)

It was Saturday today so I could see (Y/N) today. I was very excited to see him again.

I walked to the teacher's lounge to find Mr Aizawa. I looked around and asked some of the other teachers but it turned out he was having a meeting with the principal.

I didn't want to both them and it was probably very important so I didn't intrude.

Sometime later Mr Aizawa walked out of the principal's office and turned his head to me.

"Oh Yaoyorozu, I'm glad you're here. I have some good news about (Y/N)".

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