Chapter 10|That Fateful Day

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(Y/N) POV:

The rest of the day was more of a blur than anything else. After my meltdown I was brought to the teacher's lounge to calm down and then taken back to the dorms after everyone finished school.

During that time I was taken to the principal's office to have a private conversation with Principle Nezu.

"I know this may not be comfortable for you but please trust me when I say I want to help you, we all do," said Principal Nezu.

I sat there quiet as a mouse. My body was stiff as a rock, not moving an inch. Not even the slightest twitch.

"I did a little research about you (Y/N). Your records say you were born with an unknown quick that hadn't developed yet. And that you were in a car crash when you were very young."

Principal Nezu took a deep breath and said "I'm very sorry about your parents (Y/N), I can't even begin to imagine what it was like for you. Especially since you were so young. But in the report, it says there was no obvious reason for the accident. So if you want help I need to know, what happened on that day?"

At this point my whole body was trembling with anxiousness, my hands were drenched in sweat and my body seemed to be steaming hot. The feeling of guilt and regret in my stomach made me want to vomit.

Principal Nezu sat there patiently as I tried to muster up the courage to tell him what happened. I took a heavy gulp and said the few words I could manage.

"It was my fault," I said nervously.

I was expecting him to be surprised or disgusted, but he didn't. He seemed more curious than anything else, so I continued.

"That day, of the crash. Was the day my quirk manifested. I was just sitting in the car, playing games on my Dad's iPad. Until I could sense something. I could feel one of the back tires like I was touching it, or even a part of it. I panicked and then the tire burst, and we went hurling onto the other side of the road and hit another driver."

"I see" Principal Nezu said very calmly.

"And then?" He asked.

"The next thing I knew I was lying on the road covered in blood. I ran over to my parents and I, couldn't feel them breathing. Then I heard sirens and saw red and blue lights. My stupid kid brain thought they were coming for me because I just killed my parents. So I ran. Ran until I couldn't hear the sirens anymore. I kept on running away from the police cause I thought I'd go to prison, even though they were just trying to help me. I somehow even managed to avoid the pro heroes. I guess they stopped looking after a couple of years because they never ended up getting me."

Principal Nezu sat there, still letting me vent.

"I guess it doesn't matter anyway. I didn't have any other family to go to so I would've just ended up in an orphanage." I said through sniffs and wiping away my tears.

"I see, so you blame yourself for what happened."

"Something like that."

A tense silence filled the room. So tense I was almost drowning in it. After a long while, I saw the usually bubbly mouse man have the most stone-cold face I've ever seen on someone.

"I know it's stupid, and I shouldn't blame myself. But it's not that simple."

He slowly and calmly hopped off his chair and walked over to me, not losing eye contact.

Tears were trickily down my face like a broken tap. I tried to break his gaze but I feared what might happen and what he might think of me, even though I was likely overthinking it.

Principle Nezu placed his soft paws on my hand and tapped them gently and supportively saying. "You may have lost people you love, and I'm not saying we should ever forget them. But that doesn't mean we can find new people that love and care for us."

A weak smile that held a glimmer of hope slipped onto my face. Although I was a little confused. I would've thought that he would be disgusted of me. I'd never told anyone what happened that day in fear that I'd get in trouble. I didn't believe the police were coming after me anymore but even if I did ask for help they would wonder why I ran. And people would hate me for killing my parents, even on accident.

Yet the first person I told did none of those things. He didn't fear me or find me disgusting. He didn't even ignore me, he supported me.

A broken smile covered my face as tears trickled down my cheeks. I started hyperventilating, and my heart sounded like a rock concert. But the principal stood there, my hands in his paws, with a comforting smile across his little mouse face.

"The only way to survive in this cruel world is to surround ourselves with people we can trust." He said to me.

"I can't" I muttered softly.

"I don't wanna hurt anyone. No matter how you look at it or how messed up my perception of it is. It was still my fault my parents died. And I don't think I should cause any more suffering."

"If you think that then I can help you learn and control your quirk. We all can".

"Would you really do that? Would you really risk your lives to help me?" I asked disbelievingly.

"Correct me if I'm wrong young (Y/N), but isn't that what heroes do?" Priceable Nezu said jokingly.

I just chuckle in response. Never would have I ever thought that I would be able to control my quirk. But now with the help of UA, I have that hope.

I now have a dream. A dream to learn how to control my quirk, and use it for good. It may only be a faint spark now, but it will blossom into a blazing flame, that will be unstoppable.

Hey guys, Pixel here. Sorry for being so inconsistent with releases, and I can't grantee I'll start being consistent. But I'll try my gosh dang hardest. But please bare with me.

Anyways thanks for reading, love all of you and your support. Look out for the next chapter when it comes out have a good day, night or whatever time it is for you!

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