Chapter 13|Where I Belong

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(Y/N) POV:

As the sun started to rise on the chilly Sunday morning, and the sun began to cover me with its warm winter rays, I turned over on the couch trying to get some more sleep.

The night before everyone in class 1-A had a party for me, to welcome me to UA. The party went late into the night and some even decided to sleep down in the common area and have a sleepover.

We watched some movies together and told scary stories, just like any other sleepover. It was really nice since I don't remember the last time I'd had a sleepover, or even if I'd had one at all.

I tried to fall back to sleep but I struggled to doze off through Mina's loud snoring. Turns out she's just as loud in her sleep then she is when she's awake.

I looked over to a wall clock that showed the time 8 o'clock. It's still pretty early but I probably should get up. Considering that would have been a sleep-in out back in the streets, so I won't complain.

I looked around to see Midoriya, Uraraka, Tsu, Mina and Jirou still sleeping in various places in the common area. I saw Iida walking around cleaning up the chocolate wrapping that we left on the floor last night. I guess Iida didn't have time to clean up last night.

As for the rest of the people who were at the sleepover I didn't see Todoroki anywhere. He must have gone for a morning jog or something.

As I continued looking around for the rest of my friends who had come to the sleepover I started to smell a soft yet desirable scent. It smelt like, vanilla.

I sniffed the air to find where that gorgeous scent was coming from until I heard a gentle voice from behind me.

"You must be able to smell Sato's cooking. He's making vanilla muffins for everyone," said Momo from behind me.

Before I had a chance to speak Momo gave me a big hug, holding me firmly.

"I had a lot of fun last night (Y/N). It was really nice to talk and watch movies with every," she said softly.

"Yes, I agree, very good for our mental health. Also good morning, I hope you slept well," Iida whispered eagerly while chopping the air with his hand.

"Yeah, I agree. Thanks for making me feel so welcome."

"It's no problem. Now would you like some refreshing morning tea?" Momo asked.

"Yes I would love some tea," I replied.

As Momo walked off to the kitchen to make me some tea I had a moment to ponder how lucky I am. People like me would never have a chance to live a life like this.

To be fair I wasn't supposed to be homeless, that was due to my dumb kid brain. But even if I was found I would have either lived in an orphanage the rest of my life or gone to a family that wouldn't want me to learn to be a hero.

And that doesn't account for my dangerous quirk. If I accidentally killed someone or many people, I might have gone to prison for the rest of my life.

Now that I'm living here at UA I can finally learn how to use my quirk. If the most renowned hero school in Japan can teach me to use my quirk then who can?

My thoughts slowly faded as my nose started to pick up the scent of those heavenly vanilla muffins. My mouth was watering just from the smell of the muffins, they must taste amazing.

As I dreamed of eating those muffins I heard Mina's voice coming from behind me.

"What is that smell?" She said groggily.

A soft "ding" was heard from the kitchen oven as Sato took out some fluffy vanilla muffins.

"The muffins are ready, does anyone want any?"

Mina rapidly nodded her head with her tongue slightly pocking out her mouth. Her eyes were as wide as the moon and she was even drawling a bit.

"I guess it's breakfast time," said Todoroki as he walked through the front door.

"Yes, Sato has made some muffins for us, would you like one?" Momo said as she passed me some tea.

"I'll pass, I need to do some training," Todoroki said bluntly with a scowl across his face.

We all awkwardly sat there and watched Todoroki walk off frustratedly.

"What's with him? He hasn't been all edgy and moody for a long time," asked Mina.

"I'm not sure, I hope he's ok," said Momo.

"I can go talk to him if you'd like?" Said Iida.

"We better not, if he's still acting like that in a couple of days then we can ask but otherwise he's probably just tired," said Momo.

It was certainly strange to see Todoroki upset. Sure he doesn't seem to talk much but he seemed quite happy during the sleepover. I wonder what changed?

After that strange encounter, we all started having breakfast while everyone else started slowly waking up. Kirishima and Kaminari came down from their rooms to chill but everyone else was busy with either training or homework. Including Iida who had to leave to see his brother.

"So what should we do (Y/N)?" Momo asked me after breakfast.

"I'm not really sure. What do you guys do around here?"

"Honestly life at UA is quite busy, we don't often have much time to relax," said Jirou.

"Oh oh, we should go out somewhere, like the beach, or an arcade!" Mina said excitedly.

"Hey that's not a bad idea, I haven't been to an arcade since I was a kid," said Kirishima.

"Yeah same, I was banned from my local arcade for breaking the basketball game," added Kaminari.

"I guess it's settled then, we're all going to the arcade," said Momo.

We all cheered loudly in excitement. I was especially excited cause I've never been to an arcade before.

"Alright then, I'll go ask Mr. Aizawa for permission to leave campus and we can all head off when we're ready," said Momo.

Sadly not everyone could join. Iida was busy with his family and Todoroki was insistent on training. Ojiro, Hagakure and Shouji all had their own plans and Aoyama was preoccupied with looking at himself in the mirror, but otherwise, everyone else came.

Even Bakugo joined after some convincing from Kirishima. He only agreed to go so he could prove that he's better than Midoriya at every arcade game.

So when we were all ready and after Mr Aizawa had approved us to leave. But before we did Mr Aizawa pulled me aside briefly

"Hey (Y/N), I just wanted to ask you to be careful. You still don't have complete control over your quirk yet, and this will be the first time you would have been in a public place in a while. So try to stay calm," he said assuringly.

"Yes sir."

BOOM another chapter done. Sorry for the slight cliffhanger, but hey you'll be able to look forward to class 1-A's day at the arcade now! So you're welcome, I guess?

I also wanted to thank you all for 11k readers! In the last chapter, we were almost at 10 but now there's even more of you! Just what??? Seriously I can't thank you guys enough for all the support you give me. I love the nice messages some of you send and it makes my day every time.

Finally, I apologise for the 2-month wait, I'm a bad author I know 🥲. But I am trying to be more consistent and I think I'm getting better.

I can't wait to share the rest of this story with you all, and if you enjoy the story maybe tell you're friends about it! Or not, it's up you you. But I'll stop rambling, bye bye

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