~chapter 5~

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(picture of Octavia above)

I looked over at whoever was in here and saw it was Octavia. "You know you're terrible at paying attention to your surroundings." She laughed a little, and that laugh warmed my heart for whatever reason.

"Didn't think I needed to pay attention when I'm a princess, no one would dare lay a finger on me, and even if they did, there are people here to protect me."

"Ohh so you think you can slack off here huh?" She teased. Within seconds she was on top of me. "What if you get pinned down like this by a big bad guy? What are you gonna do?" She whispered, her face inches from mine.

I giggled evilly, which made Octavia raise an eyebrow at me. "What do you have plann-" Before she could finish I flipped us over making me the one on top and her on the bottom. "I may be a princess but I'm not a weak one. Maybe you should be the one paying more attention."

The look of surprise on her face quickly disapeared. Replacing it was a devilish smile. I watched as she licked her lips. "Didn't think you'd be the one dominating me." When I fully processed her words, I quickly got off, turning away while covering my face.

Not wanting her to see me like this I walked on the balcony that was attached to this room. At least this place is similar to home. When I walked out onto the balcony, a cool breeze blew sending chills through my body.

"I have a secret to tell you~" Octavia whispered in my ear, making me jump slightly. "What is it?" I answered quietly keeping my back to her.

"I like you Seraphine, and I'm going to make you mine." I didn't answer her. She likes me? I'm engaged to her brother though, and I'm a girl. How could she like me?

I was too wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice she had left. I really don't pay attention to my surroundings.


I spent the rest of the day in my room doing random things to help distract me. I read, cleaned and reorganized, read some more, and ate my meal that was brought up to me. Even with doing all these things, it was a major fail. I can't get her out of my mind, especially what she said.

The more I thought about it, the crazier the idea seemed. All my life I have never once seen someone who was with their same gender. I never once thought about being with a girl.


My subconsious screamed at me. Flashing images of my dreams that I had recently. Those images changed into images of Octavia. Her perfect figure, her beautiful full lips and chocolate brown hair. I touched my own lips lightly. I wonder what it would be like to...

I shook those thoughts from my head. No. This is wrong. I'm engaged to her brother, plus she is a girl and I can't be with a girl. Although I wish I could.

A knock came at my door. "Come in."

Oliver appeared through the door. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling pretty well actually, thank you for asking."

"Then if you're up for it, would you like to join me and my family for dinner?" I could see how neverous he was while asking.

"I would love to join you guys for dinner."

I watched his body relax when I accepted his offer. "Great, dinner will be in a little bit, I will have a maid come get you when it is time."

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