~chapter 12~

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How long have I been in this dense safe room.. hours? Days? Weeks? It honestly feels like an eternity just sitting here staring at a wall. I think they may have actually forgotten about me.

I've tried finding a way to open the door. When that failed I started looking through the things they had stocked up in here.

For a closed up space everything was surprisingly dusty. Some of the food that were in jars looked kind of moldy. Once that got boring I sat down on the couch and stared at the wall, and here I am still doing so.

Just as I was about to give up hope and accept my fate of being forever trapped in here, I heard something click and the door started to open. A tall guard with broad shoulders stood at the entrance.

"Your Highness, it is now safe for you to come out," he said while holding the door open for me.

I quickly brushed past him and breathed in the fresh air. That room was starting to get stuffy.

I looked around at my surroundings to see a few broken windows and bullet shells on the floor. That room must be sound proof since I didn't hear any shooting out here.

As I continue scanning around my eyes landed on Octavia talking with Oliver and their father. "Octavia!" I ran towards her and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're ok. I was they'd capture you or worse, and I didn't even get to tell you how I felt about yo-"

I went silent when I realized what I was saying. Stupid stupid stupid. You are engaged to her brother, you can't be saying these types of things. Even though they are true.

I felt her arms wrap around me as she hugged me in return. "Of course I'm ok. I would never let a few measly rebels take me out."

The sound of someone clearing their throat made us pull apart. When I turned, I came face to face with an annoyed looking king, and an awkward Oliver shifting slightly on his feet.

"That is not proper behavior for future rulers. And Octavia we were not done talking. You know better than to get involved in rebel attacks that is not your place as princess to do so."

"But father, I can handle myself just as well as Oliver can. As you can see there isn't a scratch on me, so I don't understand-"

"That is enough Octavia. You are the princess. Your place is to sit there and look pretty with your future husband." With that, he turned and started to walk off.

Before I could even stop them, words escaped my lips. "You don't know you're talking about Your Majesty. Octavia would be just as great of a ruler as Oliver would be, maybe even better. She is smart, kind, beautiful, courageous, and she has confidence that outshines everyone else. Not every princess or queen is just a pretty face."

Why did I say that? He is going to put me to death for disrespecting him like that. But to my surprise, he didn't say anything. He just stomped away.

An awkward silence filled the hall. Both Oliver and Octavia were giving me a shocked looked. I quickly brushed past them both, heading towards my room.


Around 30 minutes later, a knock came at my door. I flung it open, and Octavia rolled her eyes. "You know you really ought to watch what you say around certain people, especially my father."

"You know what, I don't want to hear it from you. You were no help in the situation."

I walked across my room, leaving the door open and ended up on the balcony. A few moments later Octavia joined me. There was a light yet warm breeze blowing the smell of the thousands of flowers in the gardens below. The moon was full tonight and it shone down on us giving Octavia's face a mysterious glow.

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