Chapter Fifteen

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'I'm telling you, Jace so likes me!' Ashley said as she painted her toenails. 'Uh huh' I nodded, ignoring the bad feeling in my stomach. Ashley has been repeating that sentence ever since we reached the pack house.

'Did you see the way he held the door for me? He's such a gentleman!' I nodded again. I got up from the floor, where I was finishing my homework and sat on the window. It was wide enough. I looked out. Jace has always been a gentleman. The time I was with him when we were younger, he never let me open any doors for myself, always held out his hand for me to hold but he always tried to annoy me by interrupting whenever I was talking, which made me laugh.

'Aww! You're smiling! I knew you wouldn't mind me going out with Jace!' My head snapped to Ashley's grinning face.

'Uh, of course! Why wouldn't I be happy?' and it was true. Why wouldn't I be happy? It's not like Jace and I are dating.

She smiled and her phone rang. I tuned out as she talked to whoever it was and looked out the window instead. 

I saw a bunch of guys enter the teen pack house. Anger bubbled inside me as I saw Noah with a girl in his hand. They were laughing. I decided to listen to them even though they were far away. They looked like ants from here.

'Man, I can't believe she was your mate!' a boy told Noah as he laughed. 'It was so long ago, I hardly remember, dude.' he replied. The girl laughed 'That's because I'm here. You won't even be able to look at other girls!' 

I made a disgusted face. It seems like I am still being talked about. And nothing good, either.

'I mean seriously, I can't believe she didn't turn!'
'Do you think it's because she's a WhiteWolf?' one of the girls asked.
The boy snorted 'Please don't tell me you believe that shit!' 

A low, barely audible growl escaped my lips. 

'She's probably just a freak. I mean, how can she be a Whitewolf? She wasn't even pretty!'

My eyes darted to Noah and back to the boy. Won't he defend me? He just looked forward and walked into the house.

He didn't defend me.

'Hey, Jess,' I turned towards Ashley 'I'm going to the mall. Brenda said there was a huge sale for shoes.' I frowned. Brenda? I told Ashley that she was one of the people who used to scratch me.

'You're going with Brenda?' she nodded as she put the nail polish bottles back in the bag. 'I know she's one of the people who used to hit you but I really need shoes to impress Jace! You understand, don't you? I'll see you in an hour for the practice.' And then she walked out. I just stared at the door.

So my best friend chooses shoes over me. I growled with frustration and turned back to the window.

Coming back wasn't a good idea. Not a good idea. I have to go back. Gotta go back.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I can't go back. I'd be a coward if I did and wolves, of any kind, are not cowards.

Today was Question Day, as the kids called it. So I laid out the huge mats for the kids and sat Indian style in front of it. 

'Hey, everyone!' I waved enthusiastically and was rewarded with laughter and waves. I quickly took a picture and saw a lot of smiling faces in it.

Soon, the questions about Werewolf history started.

And soon the topic of Whitewolves approached. What is it with these kids? Sheesh!

'Tell us more about your Whitewolf friend, Allie!' A frown replaced my smile.

'My friend... uh.' I was finally stuck. What to do and what to say? I didn't know and Grey played my temporary savior. 

'Her name was Jessie.' he said from behind me and I gasped as I turned around. But his eyes were on the sea of children.  

'Jessie?' a boy, around 11 years, said 'She was in our pack! No way! She's the girl that ran away! No way!'

Grey grinned and sat down next to me. He wasn't supposed to be back until the evening. I gasped and stared accusingly at him. That lying, sneak! Wanted to surprise me!

'Yes, she is the girl from your pack, isn't she?' he rubbed his chin, thoughtfully, making me cough in an attempt to hide my laugh.

The little kids gasped. 'She is actually a very good friend of our pack.' Grey nudged me, motioning me to continue. I scowled at him and smiled at the kids.

'We met her when she came into our territory by mistake.' I continued but Grey interrupted me again.

'And Allie, here, made her unconscious by hitting on the head by mistake.' I glared at him as the kids gasped again.

'It was actually Ashley who hit her, Grey, I was the one who helped carry her back to the pack house.' Grey put on a thoughtful expression again and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

'Anyway, she hadn't shifted yet so we trained her and let her stay in the pack house. She was afterall, a wolf by blood whether she could shift or not.' Grey put an arm around my shoulders and I smiled at him. 

'We had a feeling that she would turn out to be a werewolf so we kept a watch on her for any possible signs.' Grey continued, and I looked around to find a few people listening to us.

A twelve year old's hand went up. I pointed at it and the girl asked 'A few days ago you said that your werewolf friend had saved her brother from the hunters,' I nodded 'But Jessie didn't have a brother.' 

'Good point,' Grey said before I could open my mouth. Instead of glaring at him, I sighed. 

'You see, Jessie had actually saved a member of our pack, Sam. We were so close that we considered each other family. That's what Allie meant.' I smiled at him and stood up, after checking my watch. 

'Alright guys, time's up. Let's go get dinner.' The children groaned making me and Grey laugh.

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