Chapter Twenty Nine: The Longer I Run

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The Reject – Chapter Twenty-Nine

Well this road I'm on's gonna turn to sand
And leave me lost in a far off land
So let me ride the wind til I don't look back
Forget the life that I almost had

If I wander til I die
May I know who's hand I'm in
If my home I'll never find
And let me live again ~
The Longer I Run - Peter Bradley Adams

The radio started with then music as soon as Jace turned the keys.

So tell me one more time
And I'll be in your bed tonight

My hand moved quickly, changing the station.

Old back seat
Drunken couple take it too far thinking no one could see
Having se-

Turning red, I turned off the radio and Jace raised an eyebrow. 'I uh can't hear the wind with the music playing.' I turned away and widened my eyes at my stupidity.

Really? Can't hear the wind, Jessie?

Jace turned his eyes back to the road, nodding, a smile on his lips. I too looked forward, trying not to hit my head. Just brilliant, aren't you, Jessie?

'So what are the things we need to replace?' Jace asked me and I read out Mrs. C's messy handwriting.

Candles, Milky Way wrappers, Town and Country Magazine, Cosmo magazine, Elle magazine, notepad, Red Bull can, shampoo and pink jump ropes and a whole page full of more items.

Jace whistled 'That's not a lot at all, eh?' Still nervous about being alone in a car with him, I only nodded and he handed me his phone. 'Wha-' 'Can you search for a shop nearby?' I stared at his phone. 'Use the GPS.' I took it and pressed the home button. A lock-screen with an empty canvas and paint-brushes appeared. '1-7-5-8.' He said before I could open my mouth and I stared at him. Even Grey, Sam or Troy, or Ashley hadn't given me their pass codes, and here, a human boy, who I've been lying to all these days... Jace noticed my gaze and gave me a questioning glance. I shook my head 'No, just surprised at how you trust me with this.' I said honestly. Jace shrugged 'It's not a big deal for me. I've got no dirty pictures.' I laughed at that and opened his GPS.

Last searched location: Stonepath Park.

For a second, my breath hitched. Stonepath... This was the place. This is where Jace and I first met. I glanced at Jace, driving so casually while I was having a storm of memories in my head. 'Find any?' I quickly looked away before he caught me looking again and found a shopping street about 2 miles away.

It was a supermarket called Gateway Supermarket. A very fitting name indeed. Jace smoothly parked the car, and we were out, the list in my hand. Now let me tell you, I haven't actually gone shopping for these items in a long time. We always had our basic necessities purchased and sent to us by the Royal Order and we didn't have to visit supermarkets a lot. Just text a list to our supervisor. Yes, you can say that the Praelia is a much pampered pack. But hey, we earn it through our ruthless training.

First place my feet took me to was the junk food section. What? The list said we need Milky Ways! As soon as I went to the chocolates area, my mouth fell open. Hershey's, Mars, Snickers, Kit Kats and 3 Musketeers.


I immediately waddled towards the shelves like a hungry penguin –not that I know what a hungry penguin actually looks like- and heard Jace laugh behind me. Without a care, I took packets of whatever candy I laid my hands on and soon I was trying not to let them fall. I felt something glowing to my right, and when I turned to see, I almost dropped everything in my hand. There was a whole row of lollipops, all kinds of flavors and in my eyes, there was a golden light shining from behind the sacred pile. I could hear angels singing as well.

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